This is about programming specifically, but I guess you can experience similar things with many other activities as well. So if you can even remotely relate your thoughts are very welcome.

Alright so, every time when I sit down to programme it tends to start out great, I feel relaxed and kind of looking forward to it. However, at some point there is going to be a bug in the code or some library does not work as I expect it to. I then start googling; try something out; doesn’t work; google some more; try more stuff; still doesn’t work. While this is of course just what coding is like, during these “google, test, repeat” sessions I tend to go faster with every iteration and at some point I am in such a rush that it feels like I hardly remember to breathe. Needless to say that this is freaking exhausting. After an hour of this my brain is just mush.

Of course, the obvious solution to this is to just take a break as soon as I notice me speeding up. I will try to do this more, but sometimes it feels like I can’t. This unsolved bug will sit in my mind so that I can’t stop thinking about it even if I’m not at the keyboard. “It must be solved. Now”. Of course it doesn’t, but that’s what my mind is telling me.

In a few months I will probably be working as a full time dev again and until then I have to have solved this problem somehow if I want to do this any longer than a couple of years.

Ideally I want programming to be a meditative experience and feel refreshed afterwards instead of completely drained. This might be illusionary, but at least I would want it to be draining more like I’ve been on a good run, instead of feeling like being hit by a truck.

Anyways I’m wondering if any of you can relate to this and maybe has solved this in some way. Does this ever happen to you? What do you do to prevent this from happening? I appreciate any thoughts you have on this.

    2 months ago

    You might want to find something that helps you temporarily switch off or redirect that part of your brain. Drugs can be habit-forming, but video games or going for a run might help clear your head. Even making yourself stand up and stretch for a few minutes every half-hour or so can help.

    You can also try to work on more systematic approaches to solving your problems, rather than throwing random snippets from the Internet at the wall. Come up with a plan to collect data, structure experiments, analyze results. Rubber-ducking also helps, explaining your problem to someone real or imaginary; this can help you reframe the problem in your mind and lead to a Eureka! moment.

    Finally, programming might never be a meditative exercise. At its heart it’s simultaneously highly creative and technical, using a lot of brainpower. In order to feel less drained, you need to stop before you hit the point of exhaustion - at the very least take that break, grab that drink, eat that snack, whatever helps you recharge.