As per requests, this is my description of auDHD experience. As there is very little research into this, Iā€™m going to draw primarily upon my own personal experience and Iā€™ll draw upon peer experiences and Iā€™ll draw in bits of research through this post here and there. I am diagnosed with both ADHD and autism, both adult diagnoses, and there is treatment history to establish these as being accurate diagnoses. The psychiatrist who diagnosed me with ADHD gave me a diagnosis of primarily-inattentive ADHD but I had come to my own conclusions that I was probably combined-type which has had its hyperactive aspects mostly buried under trauma. My psychiatrist also independently arrived at this same conclusion unprompted. Itā€™s worth noting that being combined-type will colour my experience of auDHD.

As a disclaimer, this is going to be my experience so it will be limited by that fact. This should only be taken as information and not the definitive guide or the be-all end-all of The One Trueā„¢ auDHD experience.

To start, I think itā€™s of fundamental importance to understand that my experience of auDHD is one of internal conflict - I have competing sets of needs and desires. This manifests in a lot of internal struggle and it also means that my autistic or ADHD traits can be more prevalent and I can feel ā€œmoreā€ autistic or ADHD, depending on my circumstances. (Maybe Iā€™m a Marxist because deep down, at a fundamental level, my ADHD traits exist in a dialectical relationship with my autistic traits lol.) This manifests in a lot of extremes and a lot of bouncing between one extreme to the other.

Ultimately this is why I think I was previously diagnosed with a mood disorder and why itā€™s very common for late-diagnosed autistic/ADHD/auDHDers to be misdiagnosed with mood disorders.

So what does this look like in practice?

I thrive under most novel situations and under high pressure. I find it exciting and this really engages me. However, I also find that I hit my limit in high pressure situations very rapidly, so thereā€™s a sweet spot where things are just new or high pressure enough that I thrive. Less, I feel pretty bored and checked out. More, I become an anxious wreck.

However this is counterbalanced by my deep and abiding need for stability, routine, and structure. I need enough that I can count on in my life that I feel capable of dealing with high-pressure and novel situations. Too much change, especially unpredicted change, leaves me really rattled and out of sorts (and not just feeling a bit uncomfortable but it can put me into complete disarray). It can take ages for me to cope with too much change or unpredicted change because, although I can be quite adaptable and flexible, if my base circumstances change then the pace at which I find my feet again is truly glacial.

This is also sort of why I find that I am either extremely well organised or Iā€™m an absolute disaster, with little room in between. Without having structure and organisation, my autistic needs arenā€™t being met so I feel very dysregulated and I am far less capable of relying on this aspect of myself to manage my scatterbrained ADHD traits.

When it comes to socialising, I can be very gregarious. (Itā€™s worth mentioning that Iā€™m pretty high-masking when I want to be, so that may also be a factor here.) I am capable of being the life of the party and of facilitating stuff like group work and educational spaces in an engaging and interactive way, and have done so professionally. But this comes with a high level of social anxiety and an extremely limited social battery. I find that I much prefer facilitating, or better yet public speaking, than I do participating in a group activity especially if itā€™s unstructured or there are a lack of clear guidelines and expectations. So externally I vacillate between being very social to being extremely introverted, depending on a variety of factors.

Another aspect is that I genuinely do need a lot of time to recharge after socialising, even when itā€™s great and Iā€™m really enjoying myself. Sometimes days. I feel like this is very much my autistic needs taking the front seat.

With regards to interests, this is a little bit tricky on account of being combined-type but I have very long, stable persistent deep interests (ā€œspecial interestsā€ but I am loath to apply that term to myself tbh). I also have the classic ADHD sort of brief, intense, transient interests that breeze in and breeze out just as quickly. There are things that I will always be interested in doing or talking about, then there are things that I have a sort of wild fling with before I find that Iā€™ve suddenly wrung all the dopamine out of it and Iā€™m ready to discard it and move on.

Iā€™m capable of bending my deep interests and sorta redirecting them to topics that I need to prioritise but Iā€™m not sure whether this is a me thing, an auDHD thing, a combined-type thing, or something else.

With regards to sensory processing, I am a fairly typical autistic scattershot of being mostly sensory-avoiding with some atypically high degrees of sensory-seeking, as per the Dunn Sensory Profile 2 administered to me as an adult. I am acutely sensitive to a lot of sensory input however my ADHD is a countervailing force here and I can be completely oblivious to certain sounds or smells or tactile feelings until suddenly my awareness is drawn to this and it becomes borderline intolerable. This may also be due to me being high-masking, having poor interoception, or experiencing dissociation due to lots of trauma, mostly developmental so keep this in mind.

With regards to trauma and rejection sensitive dysphoria, thereā€™s evidence that ADHDers are more prone to developing PTSD symptoms. In my opinion one of the major factors in this phenomenon is the fundamental emotional reactivity inherent to the ADHD experience, especially if itā€™s not appropriately medicated. My autistic traits lead me to ruminate a lot and so thereā€™s this unholy alliance that exists within me of my being more prone to traumatisation, having heightened emotional reactivity (even with regards to PTSD triggers that occur well after a particular event), and the classic autistic perseveration meaning that I get into ruts with my thinking that are very difficult to get myself out of. This is on top of the typical experience of PTSD and being emotionally and psychologically ā€œstuckā€ in the traumatic experience. So itā€™s a double whammy. Or maybe an exponential whammy idk.

I experience rejection sensitive dysphoria and I respond to treatment for it. I think that RSD in an auDHDer is especially difficult as being autistic means that I am just prone to making more faux pas, Iā€™m going to unintentionally annoy or upset people, Iā€™m going to miss cues, and ultimately that Iā€™m going to face a whole lot more ostracism and social rejection than if I were allistic. So not only do I have a lot of the psychological consequences of trying to exist in a social world that is far from well-suited to an autistic person, I also have very visceral responses in my nervous system when I think I have fucked up or when someone gives me the impression of negative social feedback (whether imagined or real) and this has a pretty major impact on me. I am of the opinion that the ADHD traits that make me inclined to seek out social interaction and push me to be novelty-seeking means that I am much more socially engaged than I would otherwise be and since negative social feedback affects me unusually deeply, I think this is one of the major factors in why I am capable of being very high masking to the point of probably doing quite well at being neurotypical-passing if I care to.

Itā€™s my suspicion that most auDHDers are high-masking, not only because they tend to go undiagnosed and maybe even unaware of this personally for a lot longer and so they naturally develop strategies to compensate but because they tend to be more socially-oriented and I reckon they take knocks harder when socialising, all things being equal, so the end product is a person who is a sort of grizzled veteran who has learnt how to survive in the harsh wilderness that is the allistic social realm.

Moving on from that, I find that I am very extreme in how I experience fine details. I often plunge headlong into the deepest depths of detail but I am also quite careless and I can miss very obvious or critical details. I tend to shift between these two poles. Sometimes this also manifests in being so consumed by one aspect of the details that itā€™s to the exclusion of all the other details as well, although thatā€™s more of a classic autistic experience imo. This might also be something specific to me but I am a voracious learner. Often I feel like my mind is like an odd-couple where I can get engrossed in a subject for virtually an unlimited period of time and I can be remarkably persistent with learning but I also have intense cravings for instant gratification and novelty which causes me to end up diving into one subject with great depth only to dive into the next soon after, and this pattern repeats itself constantly. It feels like half of my brain is constantly dragging me down one particular rabbit hole and the other half of my brain is desperately and impatiently dragging me to the next rabbit hole. This may also be something specific to me but I find that Iā€™m actually quite a slow learner because of my needs to understand the intricacies of any given topic but, once I really grasp the fundamentals of something I tend to learn very quickly from that point onwards.

With regards to executive dysfunction, my experience is one of constant struggle lol. I feel as though I am constantly juggling too many balls - my need for novelty, my need for certainty and stability, my sensory diet, the need to stay focused and remember things, the need to observe the details so I donā€™t make simple mistakes and so I donā€™t find myself getting lost in any one particular detail, my need for routine and my fundamental incapability of maintaining a routine, attending to my interoception as I am very liable to not register that Iā€™m hungry or thirsty or tired and so on. It feels like I am more or less constantly mediating the tensions between my different needs which often exist in direct contradiction to each other. So yeah, this means I burn out and I burn out hard lol.

I think ultimately my experience of auDHD is one where I can sometimes spot the very clear traits of either one shining through, such as struggling with pragmatics in communication and being completely capable of eating the exact same thing in perpetuity or being so forgetful and inattentive that Iā€™ll put my phone down in a drawer only to close it to later have zero recollection of what I did and having a real drive to experience new things. But more often it feels as though I am an odd mix of the two or that thereā€™s a sort of stalemate between the two and I feel like Iā€™m kinda neither and yet both at the same time.

Sometimes this works really well, as my ADHD traits make me more adaptable and a bit more even in my interests and how I engage socially or as my autistic traits help me sustain my focus and to have a much better memory for things than I would otherwise have. I guess in short, being autistic keeps my ADHD traits more stable and consistent and my ADHD makes my autistic traits more flexible and it broadens my horizons. Each of them softens some of the rough edges of the other and I find that I can often lean into one in order to compensate for the deficits inherent to the other.

Unfortunately, the upshot of the autism and ADHD combo is that very often these needs compete and are in direct contradiction to one another as well. Itā€™s a weird sort of in between space to exist in, one where the only relatable parallel that I can think of that comes remotely closely is ennui - that feeling of being bored but where itā€™s a conflicted or maybe a more existential sort of boredom; if youā€™re just purely bored, you find something interesting or exciting and you have fixed the problem and the need has been addressed whereas with ennui thereā€™s a sort of restless interregnum-like quality where you experience a feeling of boredom but the thought of doing something exciting is also in itself boring somehow. That probably doesnā€™t make a lot of sense lol. Also for my experience of auDHD itā€™s not a feeling of being bored at addressing different needs but itā€™s more like craving new things whie simultaneously craving the same things and the same routine, of craving excitement but also being overwhelmed and craving quiet and calmness at the same time. Itā€™s really quite odd to be honest.

Ultimately, while I identify with a lot of traits and experiences of pure ADHD or pure autism, I feel as though my experience of these are much more varied and they shift in intensity. I also think that the way that I present, even if Iā€™m not putting in effort towards masking, is one where the traits of both are apparent but they arenā€™t easy to pin down because I readily switch between, say, a classic autistic infodump monologue to being very socially-engaging and mischievous like you might expect from an ADHDer. Or I can be incredibly details-focused while also being seemingly oblivious to details. That sort of thing.

Anyway, I think that wraps up my own personal experience of auDHD from an internal perspective.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
    4 months ago

    A lot of this sounds really familiar. Iā€™m dealing with a lot of RSD right now diving into dating apps and seeing my communication issues come up time and time again, feeling like thereā€™s a black hole forming in my gut because I might have inadvertently insulted someone and thatā€™s why theyā€™re not answering my text message

    Iā€™m a big fan of normalising being a part of the high social filter gang.

    If you think Iā€™m just making excuses rather than describing what Iā€™m struggling with?
    Oops - you just hit the filter!

    If you presume the worst of me or if you arenā€™t able to articulate that you feel upset because of the way I came off/the way you interpreted what I said?
    Oops - you just hit the filter!

    Now Iā€™m not advocating for just cutting everyone out of your life or anything lol. But itā€™s okay to have a high filter, and I honestly think itā€™s probably for the best especially for autistic people.

    I need someone to say ā€œExcuse me??ā€ when something Iā€™ve done feels insulting. I canā€™t deal with someone in my personal life who isnā€™t assertive enough to address these things, and likewise I canā€™t deal with someone in my personal life who isnā€™t going to listen to me when I explain what I had intended. If someone is going to brood on a perceived slight for days while expecting me to identify the change in their mood so that I will cast my mind back over the past week to try and figure out what did wrong, theyā€™re going to be miserable around me and likewise Iā€™m going to end up being miserable around them too; I just canā€™t afford to extend my masking so far that Iā€™m constantly trying to shape my behaviour and language to meet someone elseā€™s wants/needs while trying to decipher their emotional state and constantly going through mental replays to scour my memory for anything I did which might have caused offence.

    Thatā€™s not to say that I expect someone to be perfect in this regard or that Iā€™m giving myself a justification to switch off my empathy but I do need someone who is confident enough to be able to handle miscommunications effectively and collaboratively.

    If someone isnā€™t capable of that or they arenā€™t willing to meet me on that level, thatā€™s coolā€”I know Iā€™m not for everyone and Iā€™m a bit of an acquired tasteā€”you do you. But Iā€™m also applying that to me as well and part of that means having people around me who just understand autistic communication because theyā€™re autistic themselves or people who I can work with to bridge the allistic-autistic communication divide.

    Also experiencing horrifying irrational guilt at the fact that I havenā€™t been keeping up on my Unmasking Autism book club

    I was wondering where things were up to with that.

    I had thought about reaching out to you but I didnā€™t want to add to the pressure. Iā€™m just glad that things are okay and, tbh, I think itā€™s safe to assume that everyone who is participating in the book club feels the same way.

    Remember that you are facilitating a book club specifically on autism in a neurodivergent-specific comm. If that isnā€™t the perfect crowd to say ā€œOops, sorry - this slipped off my radar and then I managed to roll that up into a huge ball of guilt and shame which has left me paralysedā€ to then idk who would be better.

    but being generally really bad at interacting with humans

    Iā€™m really not in the business of telling people how they ought to feel but one thing thatā€™s been really important for me has been to frame my experience of being autistic in an allistic world as one of an (invisible) cross-cultural divide.

    Other autistic people generally seem to just get me. Always have, even before I started self-identifying as autistic let alone being diagnosed.

    My mannerisms, my speech, my tone, my body language, my way of interpreting communication - these are all fundamentally at odds with the allistic mode of communication. I genuinely feel when Iā€™m masking as if Iā€™m in a different culture and Iā€™m consciously translating what I want to say and how I want to convey that message while also carefully and consciously interpreting the communication from allistic people.

    I once was fluent in another language. Masking while engaging in social interaction feels close to a 1:1 of the experience mid-level proficiency in another languageā€”good enough to get by with concerted effort but not so proficient that it feels effortlessā€”including the executive function crash that comes after a long day of translating and existing in a fundamentally alien cultural context.

    But the kicker is that itā€™s usually obvious when someone isnā€™t a native speaker and people adapt and adjust their expectations accordingly. They also tend to extend a lot of grace to people from different cultures too.

    I donā€™t get that same sort of consideration because I pass for being native to the allistic culture when itā€™s really not the case. That means people have higher expectations of me and they are less patient, less forgiving, and less understanding. In a lot of ways I think itā€™s actually harder to be autistic in an allistic world than it is to be a somewhat-proficient second language speaker in a different cultural context.

    At the end of the day, I just have a fundamentally different way of communicating and experiencing the world but this is (mostly) invisible to others. That doesnā€™t mean therefore Iā€™m bad at communicating any more than it means that your average allistic person is bad at communicating because they arenā€™t well equipped for communicating on the autistic level, itā€™s just different.

    In fact, Iā€™m proud of how well I communicate with allistic people and the amount of effort I put into this. If I end up in a situation where thereā€™s an allistic-autistic miscommunication, as I inevitably will, Iā€™m not going to shoulder all the blame for it. Iā€™m doing my best and if I wouldnā€™t beat myself up for unintentionally saying or doing the wrong thing in a different cultural context then why would I do this when Iā€™m essentially in an allistic-autistic cross cultural context? Iā€™m quite happy to chalk these miscommunications up to being the product of a cultural divide tbh.

    Iā€™m starting to think I make people laugh the same way you would throw scraps of meat to placate a hungry predator. Like, a deep-seated fear of others is the motivation. Not just the desire to be liked, but the certainty that I will be punished if I donā€™t placate them. Lots of trauma informing this, Iā€™m sure.

    You are sufficient. Some people might want more or they might want something different, but thatā€™s their own business. If you want to entertain people or to make them laugh then go for it but remember that you donā€™t owe them this.