• Discandied@rimworld.galleryOP
    7 months ago

    Daughters of Penitence Ideoligion description: Maryna lived a dissolute life, tricking and misleading vulnerable people to make her living. She was dissatisfied with herself and her life. One night, she was visited by The Holy Virgin Mary, who told her to change her ways. The next day Maryna went to the library and read all she could find about Mary and the ancient religion. She resolved to live by what she learned, and help the vulnerable rather than exploit them. The ancient texts she studied were highly fragmentary and often only partially translated, but The Holy Virgin revealed the missing details through further revelations in Maryna’s dreams.

    Maryna learned that Mary had created the universe from her sixth rib. She found this good, but something was lacking, so she created woman-kind from her toes, in her own image. She found this good, but something was still missing, so she created her son, Jesus Christ, from her appendix. Mary loved and doted upon her creations, but her son, Jesus Christ, had the seed of evil in him, and betrayed her. He created man-kind in his own image, from ten discarded hamburger wrappers. He taught man-kind to be sinful, and man-kind in turn tempted woman-kind away from virtue, seducing her with the forbidden Kumquat of Knowledge. Mary, when she learned of her son’s betrayal, was furious, and cast him down to the underworld. Woman-kind and man-kind were no longer in her favour, and permanently marked by sin. Mary cursed them to mortality, and to be incapable of truly experiencing her love.

    Maryna resolved to try to correct the wrongs of Jesus Christ and found a community of woman who would live separately from man-kind, and devote their lives to atoning for their sins. They would bear three scars on their flesh, symbols of their repentance for their sins, and transform and perfect their bodies with technology, to better resemble Mary’s image. They would perform charitable works, to show their humility and compassion, and lead an austere life free of luxury, while crushing the disciples of Jesus Christ with their martial prowess. Maryna found four willing followers, and founded Bondoleur Nunnery in the year 5500, following an ancient plan she found in the scriptures.