Im joining in on the reddit ditching thing, and was kinda worried at first that i wouldnt be able to like use it the way i did reddit as it feels like a whole new place, but after engaging with posts and people and actually being a part of lemmy rather than being lurk mode all the time i was pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to become a member of the community, theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is) that fit my interests, enough linux content and shitposting for my liking, and the overall random posts made by people equally fed up with Leddit. (also i admit i used reddit a little cus there was this post on the fedora sub showing how to fix a sound issue i been having after a recent update)

    311 year ago

    At least on my instance everything is running fast, snappy. I like the clean interface. Haven’t encountered any major bugs yet.

    The only downside for me so far is that there is not a lot to see yet. The only active posts and communities are about lemmy itself. Which is understandable of course but I can’t wait to actually get to the phase where I actually get to experience real content lmao

          1 year ago

          They have to subscribe to the community (it looks like a user to them, so it looks like Then they can see the posts from that “user”. From there, you see the posts and can reply to them just like they were any other user.

        11 year ago

        Just as i thought i understand it, you confused me again. How can Mastodon users participate here?

          11 year ago

          I don’t know in a “what to click sense”, but lemmy and mastodon differ from reddit and Twitter in that they’re open source running on open standards. There’s no proprietary walled garden to protect.

          The underlying protocol is called activitypub. Think of lemmy and mastodon as different interfaces for viewing the same data.

      51 year ago

      I would like to understand how all of the individual Lemmy servers are connected… do you have any good resources for learning about lemmy?

    241 year ago

    Well, I’m here !

    I have removed my Reddit account after 10yrs + 100k + karma and more hours invested than I would like to admit.

    This time, I’m legit done with the place. I don’t like where they are headed and decided to give Lemmy a go.

    So far, so good :)

    I got my account approved and I’m good to go. This is my first comment of many, many more to come.

    Good to be here folks…

    • @bruhsoulz@lemmy.mlOP
      31 year ago

      i doubt ill be fasting from reddit cus theres always instances where i look for smt and the answers are there (like in the search results). but ima be using lemmy from now on for casual scrolling and entertainment instead

      21 year ago

      Welcome! Same boat here, wiped several decade+ old accounts today. Sad but… the community here seems great. Lacking on the cat gifs and tiktok reposts etc for sure, but that’s not why I loved reddit either.

  • Skimmer
    1 year ago

    great, i’ve really liked lemmy so far. its really the first alt big tech platform like this that i’ve gotten into, was never big on mastodon or any of the others out there.

    lemmy is honestly a breath of fresh air. really great platform so far, i think it has very strong potential.

    i still use reddit for some things, but overall i’m starting to use lemmy a lot more. great work from the devs, can’t wait to see the future!

    • GuyDudeman
      101 year ago

      Mastodon is so much like a Twitter/Facebook replacement that I’m not even interested in it. Reddit/Lemmy’s focus is not on broadcasting yourself but rather link aggregating and conversations about those links in the comments. It’s always been so much better of a forum type of experience than Twitter/Mastodon/Facebook.

        11 year ago

        I always tried to get into Twitter whenever I heard people say they love it so much but I could never find the same enjoyment from it. the same is happening with me and Mastodon, but lemmy doesn’t really have that issue for me because I loved browsing reddit and they’re similar to each other

        11 year ago

        I heard someone else put the issue with mastadon/twitter into words in a way that explained why I never jived with it. With mastadon/twitter you follow people and personalities while reddit and message boards were more about following a subject or interest. The twitter algorithm and sharing I guess spreads a lot of stuff around and it’s cool that twitter has so many famous and inside industry people running stuff, but that community based on specific personalities makes it harder to follow.

    • Scrubbles
      21 year ago

      It really feels like how Reddit started, before all the rage-bait and eye-catching bullshit. I miss the floofs, the memes, the fun reasons I joined. Now 90% is politics that keep popping up even though I don’t subscribe to any political subs and keep blocking

        01 year ago

        Seriously, I’m not from the USA and I’m not supposed to know the names of American senators, MP’s, governors or lawyers, or of who shot who, or who had a panic attack in an airplane, or why people are shouting at each others at a mcdonalds drive-in. Does any american ex-redditor know the name of a single european politician besides Merkel?

        The news cycle proposed by reddit is filled with american politics ad nauseam and by ragebait. The european subs of reddit are filled with russian shills. When you add up all of this there is no point into opening reddit for the news.

        • Scrubbles
          21 year ago

          Lol way to put it in perspective, I know maybe 2 politicians in all of Europe. Idk when, Reddit used to be global but it’s gotten incredibly America-focused, and maybe that’s just with the size but holy crap is it annoying now - and I’m American. I get bombarded with politics daily, can’t I just have a place that’s just memes?

    1 year ago

    Just signed up a few minutes ago. I honestly really like it so far. I was never into Twitter but I did try out mastodon and just couldn’t get used to the look of everything. It was also confusing to sign up. So far Lemmy has been great. I am surprised how many active users there are. I was worried it would be super dead.

    edit: spelling

      51 year ago

      Same experience here, I checked out Mastodon and was impressed with the fediverse and open nature of everything, but the style of social media just didn’t gel with me. Not surprising as I was exactly the same with Twitter.

      I was literally saying “someone needs to make Mastodon for Reddit” before I discovered Lemmy!

      I feel like a lot of the discussion on here at the moment is obviously focused on Lemmy itself and Reddit, but that’s not surprising given the huge influx of new users.

      Looking forward to the various communities and platform itself maturing. The first time I’ve been optimistic about social media in years, haha.

        31 year ago

        Totally agree with everything. Another major complaint I see people making is that smaller communities will form when we should just have one central one for each topic. I think this will naturally sort itself out. I will likely join a community if the content is good and the people are nice. If there is a community with 2k people and everyone is mean but a small one with 10 people and good content, I’ll join that one.

        Like you I am very excited to see where it goes. I don’t think it can become massive. But it would be nice to see communities with 500k people in them. Optimizing server hosting is probably one of the biggest problems right now. I also wonder how the larger instances will make enough money to cover cost of servers.

    201 year ago

    Hey I’m new here bc fuck spez. There’s definitely potential here. Would like it to be easier to find communities (sublemmies?) And the app needs work but I’m ready to go all in. Did I mention fuck spez yet

  • jarrod
    181 year ago

    Now I’ve got my head around how the instances work and how everything is connected but not connected at the same time I’m growing to like it. Once more communities pop up I think it’s going to be good

  • Slashzero
    171 year ago

    I’m not ditching Reddit, just here trying out alternatives.

    How has your lemmy experience been so far?

    Well… I’m scrolling and F5’ing as if I was on Reddit, so honestly doesn’t feel that different, yet.

      141 year ago

      For me the biggest problem is lack of content, a platform like this (and reddit) lives and breathes on their user submitted content. I mean, reddit wouldn’t be much either if there wasn’t much to see on there.

      My hope is more users equates to more content, and this platform grows into something akin to reddit. Best case scenario - it turns out better, or at least like reddit used to be.

      • Slashzero
        171 year ago

        Time will tell. Given Reddit’s behavior recently, alternatives like lemmy are bound to see a spike in users. Just keep in mind that more users doesn’t necessarily mean good content.

    1 year ago

    Oh man it has been unironically great! First day I joined there was basically nothing but a meme sublemmy and a couple of tech subs too, but nowadays there are communities popping up left right and center, and I’m seeing so many familiar subs recreated on here, too

    Overall my past week of using Lemmy have been phenomenal, and I’m happy to say that Lemmy has become my mindless scrolling app of choice now

    Edit: correct number of weeks

    161 year ago

    I’m honestly really lost and just stumbling around in the dark. It’s been really confusing to learn about federation and what ever makes lemmy so unique.

    But I’m really happy to see an open source alternative to reddit which is cool.

    151 year ago

    I really don’t like the cringe tankie culture here, hope that gets diluted as more people come in

    141 year ago

    I’m very impressed with the federation here. Kept thinking each instance was on its own but you can post across different instances. Kind of neat.

      31 year ago

      Absolutely, I actually downloaded a lemmy app then deleted it because I thought I had to create another account for each instance. So glad to see that I was wrong. Happy to be here as a reddit refugee!

    141 year ago

    Like others have said I’m going to miss the niche subreddits and the thousand different cat subs lol

  • Moof
    141 year ago

    So, first day of Lemmy and so far I’m enjoying it. I’m looking through communities and seeing what I’d like to follow or not.

    Criticism (hopefully constructive) that I do have:

    • I miss the random niche subreddit side of things, but I’m not sure if that’s as a result of lack people on the platform, or the UI not promoting that style of thing much.
    • I am missing a good iPadOS client. I’m currently using the Web UI, which works well enough, but it’d be great to have a more native app.
    • It seems strange that I can’t have a One True Fediverse Identity where my mastodon identity is the same as my lemmy identity and vice versa. I note that Takahē has started refocusing into more of an identity broker for ActivityPub and less of an online experience, so maybe it will be the one true unifying identity.

    On the plus side:

    • There are a lot of fun general communities on here.
    • People are really nice, in general, and this doesn’t seem to be changing, compared to the histories I’ve been browsing
    • I really like markdown as a way to post, and it seems to work ok from my iPad

    All in all, it’s been a positive 24hrs, I might give an update after a week or two.

  • 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍
    141 year ago

    it’s nice, but we need more content and more 3rd party mobile apps, i mean Jerboa is nice, but many of us are used to their favorite reddit app