I’m currently getting through the first season of The X-Files (slowly).
The episode “Space” is about a space shuttle being sabotaged. And damn, people really did think it was the end of history in the 90s, didn’t they? The episode starts with Scully asking Mulder “Who would want to sabotage the US space program? The Soviet Union is gone.” And Mulder is like “Maybe terrorists. The space program represents the superiority of American progress. Or maybe it was sabotaged by people who hate technology.” And then he talks about maybe its about hiding aliens because it’s Mulder and of course he would say that.
And here I am thinking about the current state of US Space exploration and Space X, and how naive people were in the 90s. They really thought the US was funding space research because they cared about human progress.
They really thought that this was it. That the US had won and capitalism had won and that it could only get better from here. They didn’t realise that the Soviet Union was the only reason the US was pumping money into Space exploration. It wasn’t about progress to the US oligarchs, it was about propaganda. That’s why it took Sputnik to really get US to really try and catch up.
Once the Soviet Union broke up and “Space race” propaganda glow wore off, they didn’t have to compete with Soviet science anymore, so the funding slowed down now the whole thing is gradually becoming a privatised mess whose progress pales in comparison to Soviet or 70s NASA.
Now all they have to do for space propaganda is get Elon to dance around and send a car or some billionaires into orbit on a piss leaking shuttle now and again.
The West in the 90s had no idea just how screwed they were about to be, now that capitalism no longer felt threatened by a scientific communist superpower.
Holy shit Dirt_Owl it was just a throw away line in the X-Files what is wrong with you.
Just being gay or having some sort of queer attribute was an instant invitation for the laugh track to kick in.
90s TV for the most part fucking suuuuuucked.
Also, being a sex pest/predator was also supposed to be an “oh you adorable scamp” character trait.
I don’t recommend watching ‘The Mask’ for this exact reason
Speaking of that actor, Ace Ventura aged like milk in a swamp. CW for anyone that loves their trans comrades.
Jimmy Carry-core was a large part of my childhood and I refuse to go back and watch any of it now for this reason.
Doesn’t help that I was in a long term relationship in my 20s with a girl and her brother thought he was really good at his Ace Ventura and Maak impressions. Pure cringe on top of being the height of Carry’s career.
I concede that he was just about the only person I could think of that could successfully do a live-action Dr. Robotnik.
EDIT: Or should I say Ro NIK?
I haven’t watched the Sonic movie just because it’s post anti-vaxx Carry and I have a hard time separating that from him since I am autistic. I did like his acting in Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine though.
Also lol @ Ro-butt-nik
His best bit in entire life was dunking on Alessandra Mussolini on twitter.