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A false flag operation using radioactive warheads is reportedly aimed at spent nuclear fuel

Ukrainian forces have begun preparations to target nuclear waste storage sites at a Russian power plant with radioactive warheads and to then blame Moscow, according to intelligence received by Russia.

“Sources on the other side report that the [Ukrainians] are preparing a nuclear false flag – an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb,” military journalist Marat Khairullin said Friday on his Telegram channel. “They plan to strike the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant.”

The special warheads intended for the attack have already been delivered to the Vostochny Mining and Processing plant in Zhovti Vody, in Ukraine’s Dnepropetrovsk Region, according to Khairullin.

As possible targets of the attack, Khairullin indicated either the Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar or the Kursk NPP in Kurchatov, noting that the Ukrainian government and its Western backers are “desperate and willing to try anything.”

A security official in the Russian Military Administration of Kharkov Region corroborated Khairullin’s claim to RIA Novosti on Friday. The attack is intended to use radioactive warheads to target spent fuel storage sites at a nuclear power plant, and the ammunition has already been delivered to Zhovti Vody.

Kiev’s intention is to accuse Moscow of a false flag so it could justify using nuclear weapons against Ukraine, the security official said. The Ukrainian government has received orders from its Western backers to “escalate as much as possible,” he added.

According to the security official, the intelligence came from Ukrainian prisoners of war.

Sergey Lebedev, introduced as leader of the Nikolaev Region underground, who said the planned attack would be carried out with NATO weapons, with the consent of the West.

Lebedev pointed out that a large number of Western journalists have already arrived in the Sumy Region near Kursk, as well as the Ukrainian-controlled part of Zaporozhye, suggesting that this is part of Kiev’s preparations for the nuclear false flag.

    • bastion@feddit.nl
      2 months ago

      Yeah. Russia and Ukraine have a long and bloody history. There’s no shortage of death all around.

      But what we know now is that:

      • Ukraine does not want to be a part of Russia
      • Russia wants them to be, against their will
      • Russia was willing to force the issue
      • Russia attacked and attacked, and got their assess handed to them.
      • Ukraine is a little pissed off now
      • All Russia has to do to end the war is acknowledge Ukraine as a sovereign state - that Ukraine is not a part of Russia, and let Ukranians go. Forever. Civilians, the people, their land… …just leave them alone.

      Oh. And pay for the damages you’ve caused, either in cash or in retaliatory strikes.

      …or fuck around and find out.

      • CascadeOfLight [he/him]@hexbear.net
        2 months ago

        Russia and Ukraine have a long and bloody history

        No they fucking don’t! They have an extremely short history of conflict, this shit kicked off literally just ten years ago!!

        In 2014, the US launched a coup against Ukraine to replace the democratically elected government with Nazis (and I don’t mean that hyperbolically, I mean actual Hitler-worshipping Nazis) who immediately started persecuting the minority of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. After eight fucking years of doing nothing as the Ukrainian Nazis constantly escalated, Putin finally got it through his thick skull that the west was never going to treat them as an equal and launched an incredibly restrained military action to knock the coupists out of the Ukrainian government and protect the now-autonomous Russian-speaking regions.

        The result is this:

        When a peace deal was about to be signed in April 2022, Boris Johnson personally flew to Kiev and through a combination of lies and threats convinced Zelensky to tear up the deal and continue fighting.

        The unfathomable devastation, the destruction of enormous swathes of infrastructure and the catastrophic death toll of Ukrainian men are squarely the fault of the Nazi regime in Kiev and their western - let’s not beat around the bush - their US handlers. Ukraine had a peaceful and beneficial relationship with Russia from independence all the way up to the moment the US took direct control of it and suicided it into Russia for their own geopolitical gain.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        You have a definite delusion if you think Russia got their asses handed to them. Tens and tens of billions of dollars, and yet the Ukra-Nazis and NATO have lost several hundreds of thousands of soldier’s lives as cannon fodder, compared to 30,000 Russian soldier’s losses, and for every Russian soldier that is killed, Ukraine has 10 dead soldiers.

        Your army is so pathetic that even with tens of billions of dollars of equipment and aid and pretty decent military technology, you still use children as human shields while you’re busy raping them at the same time, and you resort to using hospitals and schools as bases of operation (that you cleared out or murdered students or patients) and set up military equipment in civilian areas to draw soldiers there, and DROP WHITE PHOSPHOROUS ON CIVILIANS.

        You Ukra-Nazis are so mind-bendingly stupid and evil and corrupt, and to top it off, you accuse anyone with a brain or a heart of being evil or brainwashed for not believing everything they read. You call Russians bootlickers, yet Russians are way less trusting of their own government yet still way more reasonable than you mindless fascist banderites are.

        Get fucked.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        The only one denying anything is you downplaying the Ukra-Nazi’s atrocities with your false equivalences.

        Russia has always and still does recognize Ukraine as a sovereign state, for better and worse. Russia’s main issue is Ukraine joining NATO, a racist and fascist organization dedicated to fighting socialism and Russia itself for decades, despite promises that NATO wouldn’t expand. And the Ukrainian government’s multiple decades since then of denying the heroism of the Red Army, systemically downplaying the Nazis, the holocaust, renaming streets after nazis and demonizing Russia and removing Russian’s cultural heritage and history of Ukraine and committing ethnic cleansing of Russian-speaking civilians and LAUNCHING BOMBS AT CIVILIANS THAT DECLARED THEIR SECESSION FROM UKRAINE you stupid ass bootlicker.

        You Ukra-Nazis act like innocent victims when it was Ukraine that started this conflict, and now you blame Russia for having the gall to defend itself, despite Russia refusing to attack your shithole country for almost 8 years, turning the other cheek for 8 years, and refusing to recognize the Donbas republics as independent from Ukraine for over 8 years, despite them pleading Russia for help.

        You fascist nutjobs purposefully murder civilians, rape civilians, kidnap and press-gang teenagers into your shitty army, and let out PEDOPHILES AND MURDERERS and threw out guns like goddamn candy and told people to shoot anyone who looked or spoke Russian, and you still claim Russia are the evil ones for setting up humanitarian corridors and rescuing civilians, all while calling them racial slurs like “orcs”, while still blaming them for horrific atrocities like Bucha.

        You’re scum of the Earth

      • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Serious brain worms. The long history of Russia and Ukraine is that Europe invaded Russia through Ukraine, kills millions of Russians, and Russia beats Europe back. First it was Napoleon, marching across Europe building supply chains and logistics as it invaded Ukraine then marched across the country to the border with Russia, invaded Russia, killed millions of Russians in one of the bloodiest campaigns in history, and Russia beats them back.

        The second time was Hitler, who wrote a book detailing how much we he wanted to invade Russia to end the worker state and enslave the Slavs. The Third Reich marched across Europe, building supply chains and logistics as they invaded Ukraine, marched across the country to the border with Russia and invaded Russia, killing millions with the most advanced military ever fielded at that point in history. Russia beat them back, then marched all the way to Berlin and destroyed them at their home. The West finally mopped up the last 20% of the Nazis and met the Soviets well West of Berlin.

        Now the European scourge helmed by the USA and developed into a transnational nuclear military called NATO has been building supply chains and logistics across Europe and finally began building out in Ukraine. And this time, Russia decided not to wait for yet another invasion because this time, nukes are in play.

        The history between Ukraine and Russia is not bloody, it’s the history between Europe and Russia. The Banderites mostly killed Jews because they were Nazi sympathizers and when Russia fought back the Nazi military the Banderites fought in the side of the Nazis, but that’s not representative of all Ukraine (unless you think all of Ukraine are Nazis). The Banderites, or what was left of them anyway, were reformed into a clandestine militia by NATO through Operation Gladio to activate as a color revolution if the opportunity ever arose. That militia has a direct historical line through to the current neo-nazis operating in Ukraine after they couped the former government in 2014.

        Russia has zero plans to take Ukraine. The CIA said so 2 years ago, the NYT reported it this year. There is no material possibility of it happening. Russia is not trying to take Ukraine.

        Ukraine is fighting Russia because Russia invaded, and Russia invaded because Ukraine was working to hand over a portion of its sovereignty, specifically the military bases and nuclear sites, to NATO. Ukraine isn’t pissed off, they are scared shitless. Look at how many people are fleeing Ukraine out of fear, look at how hard it is to get recruits to the front line. Look at the average age of the Ukrainian military.

        Russia obviously acknowledges Ukraine as a sovereign state because it has tried at least 3 times to negotiate with it. You don’t negotiate unless you believe in the sovereignty of the state you’re negotiating with. Your fantasy delusion about the world does match even the most basic of facts.

        Also, I love that you think retaliatory strikes are recompense. Least bloodthirsty lib moment right here.

        • LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          Thank you, comrade. Top notch post, so well-written I saved it for later use.

          One thing to add - you forgot that 14 capitalist countries invaded the newly created Soviet Russia after 1917, some through Ukraine. The Germans and the Austro-Hungarians created an anti-communist/quasi-monarchist puppet state called “UNR” (People’s Republic of Ukraine), which by the way had very little support from the local population - the vast majority of Ukrainians supported the Reds - I wonder why, huh.

        • bastion@feddit.nl
          2 months ago

          Excellent recounting of history, though I’m familiar enough with it. Let me summarize the key points:

          Russia got tired of being invaded by random nations. This is totally reasonable. Russia and the west worked together to end the Nazi scourge. This was generally considered a good thing, because hey, fuck Nazis. Then Russia became insular and paranoid, and attacked Ukraine out of the assumption that history is repeating itself, thus guaranteeing war.

          This small difference (who strikes first) makes a huge difference in who’s in the right. It’s not simple, I know. There’s a lot of history there. There’s a lot of mutual fear. But the plain and simple of it is this:

          You fucked up. You struck at Ukraine. You started this particular fight. …and yes, once a fight starts, it’s difficult to stop. And we’re not bloodthirsty about that, we’re just unsympathetic that the bully of this particular fight is whining.

          …but can you acknowledge that, with actual action? Can you acknowledge that being the first to strike doesn’t necessarily make you the winner, but does necessarily make you the asshole?

          • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
            2 months ago

            More terrible understanding. The USA supported the Third Reich. The UK refused to support the Soviets against the Third Reich. The Soviets asked for help and got nothing. The USA literally had a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden, FFS.

            And no, “random” countries did not invade Russia. The most powerful military in Europe invaded Russia, twice. Napoleon was the height of European power at the time. The Third Reich was the most powerful military in Europe at the time. It is the West that invaded Russia, not just random countries.

            And no, in the age of nuclear war, against the only world power to ever use nukes (the USA), the idea that the first to strike is the asshole is not as cut and dry as it was before nukes. This is because we are in a world governed by Mutually Assured Destruction and the US war machine and think tanks have been pushing to figure out a way to win a nuclear war. Part of that is developing what is referred to as “nuclear first strike capabilities” and what it entails is the ability to stop a retaliatory nuke strike. If the US can stop a retaliatory nuclear strike then it has the power to break MAD and launch a nuclear first strike without fear of reprisal.

            What is the KEY component to nuclear first strike capabilities. Forward deployed nuclear bases encircling other nuclear powers, supply chain and logistics sufficient to launch a large scale invasion and disable nuclear launch sites, anti-missile capabilities deployed along all possible flight paths,and the ability to deliver nukes to targets in less than 10m. This is what the US has been building with it’s 600+ military bases globally in 80+ countries. And this is what Russia knows is being built in a final attempt by the West to subjugate Russia. Napoleon and Hitler failed. Do you think the West has just decided to stop trying to invade Russia? Absolutely not. They just want to make sure that this time they succeed.

            Russia striking first using an SMO instead of a declaration of war, and very clearly focusing on securing their border and not attempting to take all of Ukraine, is a clear indication of what it’s doing - it’s trying to maintain it’s ability to defend itself from the West. It is inappropriate for me to surround your house with neonazis gang encampments and installing watch towers with armed guards around your home. But if you try to destroy them, should we call you the aggressor here?

            • LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              the idea that the first to strike is the asshole is not as cut and dry as it was before nukes

              It wasn’t cut and dry even before nukes. Kim Il Sung did technically invade the South, but it was overwhelmingly the South and Rhee’s government who provoked the North in every single way they could, including conducting actual massacres, constant border raids (at some point they used to do, like, over 100 per month), constantly opening fire at the border towards the North, you have it. Both the North and the South wanted reunification, but it was overwhelmingly the South who was beating the drums of war and was absolutely unreasonable, diplomatically. What do you do in situations like this?

              Libs to me appear rather unable to apprehend the idea that things don’t happen for no reason. Their history of the conflict in Ukraine starts in 2022.

              • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                The North/South distinction in Korea is not real. It was an arbitrary proposal by the USA to create a US controlled Korea and a Soviet controlled Korea based on the racist idea that the Koreans were not sufficiently developed to govern themselves. The Soviets agreed to the proposal, essentially on the grounds that they really did not want to fight a war on 2 fronts with the USA, especially after the USA had just nuked civilian populations in Japan like the bloodthirsty psychopaths they are. Koreans opposed the division of their country, and the Soviets and Americans could not make their agreement stick, so they abandoned the agreement after 2 years, but the dividing line remained. Then the UN decided to hold elections in the South and exclude the North and create a new republic with a border that aligned with this arbitrary division.

                In essence, Kim Il Sung launched a war for reunification of Korea against foreign occupying forces after years of brutal foreign occupation. There was no such thing as “South Korea” to be invaded except in the eyes of foreign occupiers.

                • LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Yeah, but that still did not dissuade the liberals of that time to call the North aggressors, “asiatic hordes” and “barbarians”.

                  • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
                    2 months ago

                    Oh I know. I’m just saying that it’s not appropriate to say Kim Il Sung technically invaded the South. What technically happened is Yosemite Uncle Sam flew half way around the world, nuked a couple hundred thousand civilians, occupied one of their colonies, and when the people there wanted to govern themselves, he drew a line in the sand with his toe and said “I dares ya to cross that line” and when they did cross that line he bombed the entire country until there was nothing left to bomb and the population was living in caves.

      • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        They won’t get to do that after everything they did for 10 years and not leaving Donbas alone.

        They attacked and attacked for so long and are now whining and crying that their rump state is coming to an end.

        They are because they’re desperate since they wasted their entire capable male population for furthering their nazi cause and delaying their inevitable downfall for a few years.

        They won’t get to be that ever again, civilians in eastern and southern Ukraine will get to leave in peace since they didn’t want any of this or be part of it since 2014 , but Banderites will never be left alone until they’re finally wiped out and no longer a threat to anybody and Ukraine as we know it doesn’t exist as a state, like Isn’t real won’t in the near future.

      • LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Yeah. Russia and Ukraine have a long and bloody history.

        No, they don’t. Coming from an actual Ukrainian here who knows, well, real history.

        Russia wants them to be, against their will

        No, it doesn’t. If it did - there wouldn’t be a single reason for them to stop and try talking sense into the Ukrainian government - I am referring to the Istanbul talks. And guess who torpedoed that agreement - it was the West. Why? Because they didn’t have enough war yet.

        Russia attacked and attacked, and got their assess handed to them.

        Sure thing, bud. That’s why Ukraine has been kidnapping people off the streets for more than 18 months now. That’s why they are considering lowering mobilization age to 18 and forcing everyone above 15 to register for the future draft. That’s why they themselves admit constantly there is a serious manpower issue. That’s why ghouls like Lindsey Graham and Blinken regularly visit Kiev right before a new mobilization law is drafted. But idiot libs like you are satisfied with CNN and MSNBC narratives.

        All Russia has to do to end the war is acknowledge Ukraine as a sovereign state

        Russia still acknowledges Ukraine as a sovereign state. All UKRAINE had to do is acknowledge its neutrality as its OWN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE states loud and clear - that being “no presence of an aggressive, imperialist and virulently russophobic Nazi Arming and Training Organization on Russia’s doorstep” and “no bombing of civvies in the Donbass area, no discrimination against Russians and Russian-speaking people in Ukraine”.

      • m532@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Russia and Ukraine have a long and bloody history.

        Together. As comrades. They defeated the nazis.

        Until Nuland attacked.

      • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        What we actually know now is:

        • The part of Ukraine that wanted to be a part of Russia got bombed in a massive terrorist bombing campaign before the invasion started. Fuck those people, right?

        • The seceded parts of Ukraine want to be a part of Russia; they’ve literally been fighting for it. Russia wanted only those parts until the war had reached a certain point. Now they want the removal of a literal Nazi state on it’s borders.

        • Israel’s diplomats had encouraged Ukraine into belligerence during negotiations and diplomacy with Russia. A literal fascist state full of Nazis would also want me to force the issue of their removal.

        • Ukraine has lost this many lives and haven’t even gotten to Kursk. Just take a minute and pull your hand off your dick and your brain out of your Marvel comic-books and actually go look at a map to see how big Russia is. Or keep jerking it to your fantasy.

        • Nazis tend to get pissed easily.

        • What about the parts that want to be a part of Russia? What about the literal Nazi terrorist state that is sponsoring even more terrorism in central Africa targeted at Mali? Oh boy, another Western rogue state getting massive cash-flow and weapons stocked away right next to Europe! I’m sure the sudden surge in arrests of far-right groups all over Europe in connection to arms smuggling has no connection!

        Oh. Go fuck yourself. Go ahead and ignore 2014, seperatists and lick up the propaganda from your Western masters like the good dog you are. I could post sources or links; or just the HISTORICAL FACT that literal neo-Nazi groups have been fighting against Russian separatists in the eastern region of Ukraine. You’d scream and flail about Russian propaganda, or ask “What time in Moscow is it, Tankie” like you bloodthirsty, seething fascists always do.

        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          Ukraine has lost this many lives and have gotten to Kursk

          Actually they haven’t even made it a quarter of the way to Kursk. They only made it to the first small town just on the other side of the border.

          • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
            2 months ago

            Ah, I misread some of the headlines then. Corrected it. With how much of a meat-grinder this is though, how far can they go before they’re full on sending 15 year olds to the battlefield?

            • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              Here’s a map to put things into perspective:

              I won’t try to predict how far they can still go or how long until Russia kicks them out (it’s only a matter of time), but what’s clear is that the more resources they throw into this incursion the faster Russia advances in the Donbass.

        • bastion@feddit.nl
          2 months ago

          Ah, of course. I didn’t mean to interrupt your mutual masturbation. By all means, continue your circle of love.

          • ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml
            2 months ago

            Ah yes, many people have given you long and detailed explanations of the history and context, while you just shove your fingers in your ears and go “Russia is the schoolyard bully and Ukraine is the little nerdy kid who had enough and swung back!!”

            But everyone here is totally just circlejerking, right? Clearly except you, the wise and learned historian 🤣

            • bastion@feddit.nl
              2 months ago

              I’m just going to stop arguing with you, since you’re hell-bent on lies and twisting the truth. You seem so corrupt to me that you can’t see anything but corruption.

              Good luck - you’ll be living in that world until you change. Enjoy your circle jerk - because that’s all you’ve got.

              • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                Good job on ignoring everything you read here, spewing out a completely wrong recount of history (from a Ukrainian, no less) and then telling everyone else they’re lying, twisting the truth and calling us corrupt.

                You lie. You twist the truth. It’s safe to assume you love dead kids because people who love Democrats usually love bombing campaigns in the Middle-East or at the very least, ignore them/push them to the side.

                Corruption? What corruption you idiot? What mechanisms of power or government or social institution do we fucking control that is “corrupted”? You wandered into a community of communists with similar beliefs and ideals and said some stupid shit and now when everyone actually dogpiles you and offers you an entirely different form of recourse all you did was plug your ears. We’re “corrupt” because we don’t listen to your bullshit and counter it and all have the same beliefs? This isn’t feddit/reddit.

                • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  No, we’re corrupt because we don’t just fall in line and say “Russia bad.” More reasons we are corrupt:

                  T-30 until the rubles hit my bank account (look to other comments for where I made my collection of Xi bucks). No reasonable person would ever give critical support to any nation other than the US because the US is the greatest, most free, most powerful, and most moral country in the world. This forum is a horde of circle-jerking Russian/Chinese bots who simultaneously are ignorant children who freeload off our parents. We’ll never leave the comfort of our echo chamber despite remaining federated with all the shitlib instances. We’ll forever be brainwashed because we are no better than the Nazis, worse even! “Middle” of perfectly accurate horseshoe best! Communists ruin the internet! Communists ruined Reddit, which is why we got kicked off!

                  Yawn I think that about summarizes all the normal positions they come in with. I’d say that someday they’ll come up with new and interesting arguments and insults, but as a stupid Tankie, I think sharing a toothbrush would be more interesting than anything they’ll come up with in the future.

              • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
                2 months ago

                Nah, you just gave up because you couldn’t keep up. You’ll be waiting a long time to see anyone here change, most of them started out as liberals before realizing what a fucking farce liberalism and capitalism are.

                Who knows, maybe someday you can enjoy circlejerking with the comrades too? Ain’t nothing in this world more fulfilling than COMMUNity. It may help jumpstart your journey if you risk reading a book from someone outside of your existing system of beliefs. At least that way, you’ll be better informed to counter the power of our jerking. Start with Parenti.