This one requires a bit of background.:

Hexbears keep opening the_dunk_tank posts about our mods and our instance in violation of their own comm rules. That compels me to go in them and try to correct the bad faith disinformation being peddled about us.

In one such thread one commenter made a reply to me ending it with “disengage”, which was a clear indication they didn’t want to engage in discussion any more, which I respected.

Did you read the comments (both mine and of others?) we are just chatting, no salt down here. You think I'm salty, I think I'm not.
My post won't be reinstated, but we had a cheap laugh at the expense of your mod and had some sane discussions between ourselves, as far as I'm concerned this is a net win for me. You'll think we are all just a bunch of salty lunatics and that's your opinion.
There's no point arguing when both sides have unreconcilable viewpoints, our conversation ends here. Disengage.

Note that there’s no indication of how disengagement works in any sidebars. And even their own Code of Conduct, merely states:

Any discussions may be opted out of by disengaging.

So it appeared to me this is how it works.

Later in the thread, someone kept making bad faith replies and at some point I thought, “I’ll just use this handy disengage rule to avoid being further provoked”. So I did, at which point I was gleefully and summarily banned by the mod with the following comment, to which I couldn’t respond anymore of course.

user report: Abusing Disengage rule
A call do disengage must be the only thing in the post. You don't get to respond to people and then call to disengage, this is completely disingenuous.
I think it's about time we defed from your garbage instance, and I'm glad to make sure you won't be showing you're entire ass around here again.

Now I knew already that plenty of hexbears had a grudge against me for rejecting “left unity”, so they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of me, they finally found enough of a plausible gotcha and all they could think of for the reason was “liberal”. Note that the first person “abusing the disengage rule” was never banned or affected in any way.

Ultimately this led me to being banned from hexbear itself, but that’s a post for another day.

So what do you think? Am I "liberal "enough to deserve a ban for “abusing” an unwritten disengage rule. Power trippin’ mod or nah?

    2 months ago
    • Avoiding discourse through name calling.
    • Anyone who doesn’t think the exact same as me is the enemy.
    • Closing down the doors to not let the light in.

    Little good comes out of militant instances, stewing in their own hatred.

    Real shame, society and forms of improving it are all worth exploring.

    2 months ago

    Just joined today. Almost joined hexbear because it was the first lefty instance I saw. I’m so happy I saw the piracy community on here and came here instead only to then realize there were fellow anarchists here.

  • m-p{3}
    2 months ago

    Power tripping for sure, you used the rule the same way as the person who initially used the Disengage rule incorrectly in the first place and you received a ban while they didn’t.

    A warning would have been sufficient, but like you said they were likely looking for an excuse.

    2 months ago

    Shitty instance? I came to this instance because it’s not been shitty.

    I’m not sure a pirate can truly be liberal, there’s nothing more liberal than copyright. It sounds to me like the mod is having a bad day and needs to relax a little but seems to be power tripping to me.