Donald Trump has watched a video clip of the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania rally “over and over again,” leading to fears that he may be suffering from PTSD, according to a report.

The former president has viewed the “seven-second” clip, in which his right ear was grazed with a bullet, multiple times – an act which has not helped a reported mental spiral brought on by Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race.

    7 months ago

    I think it more like they’re afraid of triggering an all out “night of the long knives” situation. The media isn’t stupid. They know Trump’s rhetoric has been leading to violence. It’s just that it’s been directed at the poor and PoC. Now that it’s coming home to them and other elites they’re being careful now.

    They did the same thing with the black guy that went on a shooting spree in Dallas because of Ferguson. It was the perfect race baiting story, the shooter was a genuinely mentally ill person who was a hardline black nationalist that attempted to join numerous anti police protest groups and just had that “scary black man look” that Fox News loves.

    But once it came out that

    1.) He had been ridiculously effective in killing cops using the “shoot and scoot” tactic he learned serving in Iraq. Only being stopped once the police tied a bomb to a robot they sicked after him.

    2.) He had killed to hardcore white nationalist police officers, kinda proving his point that the police were a force for black subjugation.

    The story seemed to disappear from the headlines over night.

    Compare that with the Ft. Hood shooter that was Muslim that Fox News talked about for YEARS after it occurred.