As the first alpha version of COSMIC Epoch 1, it is incomplete. You’ll most certainly find bugs. Testing and bug reports are welcome and appreciated. New feature requests will be considered for Epoch 2, COSMIC’s second release.

COSMIC Epoch 1 (alpha 1) on the Pop!_OS 24.04 LTS alpha ISO files are available

Try COSMIC on other Linux distributions

Fedora - See instructions

NixOS - See instructions

Arch - See instructions

openSUSE - Coming soon

Serpent OS - See instructions

Redox OS - includes some COSMIC Components - See Progress

    7 months ago

    Checking it out now, seems very usable already!

    Main issues I’m having are related to the Panel applets, like not being able to open Mullvad or Steam library from their right click menus.

    But the standard things I’ve tried like streaming music, watching movies on VLC on a second monitor and playing games (admittedly easy stuff for the laptop like Slay the Spire and Into the Breach) all work with no issues so far.

    Looking forward to getting into theming, etc and to see Cosmic get the additional Settings menus and be further refined 😄