Tldr: Bangladesh 🇧🇩 not doing so hot right now. Thoughts as a diaspora imperial core desi who lives a very comfortable life.

I feel really immature right about now. For a good while I just kept denying the color revolution hints to the point where even my very lib Dad was able to point them out. Feel like such a complete jackass, it just feels so fucking different when you’re in the moment and it’s your country down the line. That doesn’t mean I don’t have the same solidarity for all global south nations but this one just felt so personal. What’s happening in Bangladesh right now seems like nothing compared to the horrific struggle that West Asia has endured, but I guess I’m joining the club. doomjak

But yeah, they literally took over my country and there’s nothing I, a diaspora bengali, can do about it. Sometimes it feels like I have survivors guilt, that I got out of the country and immigrated to the imperial core (well my parents did) where I could live a far more comfortable life while a lot of my peers even here in the US are living much harder lives. omori-miserable

This is also compounded by the fact that I live in a white picket fence neighborhood where every neighborhood family are Trumpers or respectful Kamala-ists who are just “simple folk” out raising their family. My dad recently hanged up an American flag and a Bangladeshi flag on our lawn and now I’m just sick even thinking about it. disgost I might just tell my dad to take it american flag down if not both (he keeps telling me there’s some homeowner association “law” that you have to have the USian flag alongside other flags). The only thing that really cheers me up besides treats is Yahya Sinwar and the axis of resistance taking Israel down screw by screw.

Fuck the USA. I will never forget this moment in my entire fucking life. I just feel very off right now and this was my vent post. Part of me wishes that this wasn’t a takeover, but that part of me is slowly going away every passing second.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    6 months ago

    My rule of thumb is that there are protests happening everywhere at any given time, so Western media will shine their light on the protests that benefit Western interests and obscure the protests that harm Western interest. They’ll never just report any protest because there’s too many protests going on at the same time to adequately cover all of them.

    Let’s use Nigeria as an example. Did you (general you not OP) know that there have been protests in Nigeria going on for almost a week now and that Nigerian pigs have killed protestors? Like you could easily find a clip in Twitter of a Nigerian pig beating a protestor, a teenager, on the ground with the stick before gunning them down like a dog.

    But you won’t see Western MSM shine their light on these protestors. Why? Because the protestors, being inspired by the Kenyan protestors, are protesting their corrupt president. And like the Kenyan president, the Nigerian president is a shameless neocolonial puppet who, I shit you not, got his start by pushing dope in Chicago. And this drug kinpin-turned-president almost invaded Niger through ECOWAS before backing out at the last minute.

    If Western MSM’s ever going to cover the Nigerian protests, it’s probably to cry about how a lot of Nigerians are waving Russian flags and gesture towards alleged Russian neocolonialism.

    I started to become suspicious of the protests when a Sri Lankan account I follow also expressed skepticism. From his blog, he actually participated in the Sri Lankan protests and even went inside the Sri Lankan presidential building. I guess he sees a lot of the same red flags in the Bangladeshi protests as he did in the Sri Lankan protests even if the trajectory is not the same.