She’s always child-free. She has oldest kids 50% of the time and L is at Nana K’s every single day all day while Sarah goes shopping, takes selfies, gets her hair done, and filters her photos. This is delusional.

      • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
        3 months ago

        Her platform has had a detrimental effect on people’s self-esteem and they way they perceive themselves since this particular person uses the same techniques as an abused to draw you in and become invested. Her platform, on tne surface, stands for body confidence, family and acceptance but once your eyes are open you see she manipulates her image while telling people she never uses filters, photoshop or cosmetic procedures. You realize she is just after money and fame and cares about nothing and no one but herself. Her brand of body confidence is making women feel self-conscious about things they had never thought about before but it can be fixed if you just click her link.

        She has weaponized mental health problems to shield herself from any kind of criticism and if someone questions her she turns it back on the questioner and says they have received her image, her message in a way she did not intend. It’s all intentional and calculated.

        She has groomed people around her to believe she’s only about truth and kindness so they are blindly supporting her while she presents a false public image. She’s a salesperson who is violating disclosure laws. This isn’t a page of hate. This is a page where people who were hurt by her can gather and hopefully be a soft landing for the people who will come after. Congratulations on your weigh loss.

          • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
            3 months ago

            Good for you. I think you are having trouble looking at something from a different point of view and don’t realize everyone doesn’t think the way you do. Your question has been answered and you don’t understand us. It’s perfectly fine not to understand and now you can just walk away from this place too

                3 months ago

                Huh? They answered your questions and you called them toxic for no reason. Clearly you are only here to rile up some sort of response and are upset you didn’t get it. No one owes you any kind of explanation, especially when you’re not engaging in good faith. Leave them alone.

                3 months ago

                You seem to know a lot! Can you explain to us how we are toxic? Why are we the toxic ones for feeling betrayed by someone? I’m guessing you maybe also enjoy lying and manipulating and that is why you think we should give a pass to influencers who lie and deceive, or as you said “she’s pretty” so of course the pretty rich white women should be allowed to lie and if we don’t like it we should just turn a blind eye. This is a group of intelligent people literally just having a conversation about influencers and you come in here cursing and being rude and we’re the toxic ones?

                  • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
                    3 months ago

                    This reeks of mansplaining, Maple and you’re getting worked up because your feelings are hurt. It’s okay that you don’t understand what we are about but stop discounting it due to your ignorance.

                    3 months ago

                    No I still don’t understand. We aren’t moaning and whining we’re having a discussion, there are also a few reporters in this group compiling an article. You keep putting things in quote marks like they were said to you in this group and I’m having a hard time finding when they were said to you so I’m getting a little lost. I understand if you are one of those people that sees things they don’t like and believes that everyone should just look the other way but we aren’t like that and it seems strange to come in here and chastise people for wanting to create change. I have a feeling you don’t want to see what we’re talking about though and it’s more fun and easier for you to come in here and name call and make us feel bad.

              • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
                3 months ago

                I’m sorry you read it that way because it wasn’t my intent. You seem to have an unconscious bias that you are being attacked in some way. I didn’t take personal offence to you proclaiming this a hate group when it is not yet you call me after I politely tell you this isn’t the place for you.

                    3 months ago

                    It was more than likely banned by Reddit because the influencer in question lawyered up and threatened them with legal action (the way it happened was very strange and she alluded to taking legal action against “haters” a week or two prior). She also served a reporter, Janette Ewen, with a cease and desist letter because she didn’t like being called out for her actions. Honest people with nothing to hide don’t go to such lengths to cover their tracks. Influencers are scared because they know people are starting to question them.

                    I also find it ironic that you’re here accusing others of telling you to leave when that’s exactly what you’re doing. We have a right to be here just like you do and if you don’t like it then why are you spending your time and energy arguing? Others have engaged with your questions meaningfully and you have only doubled down on your attacks.