Hiya, !astroturfing@lemmy.world is a community meant to point out/discuss/investigate/inform about various misinformation campaigns, bot networks etc on social medias, which are often state backed or company backed.
It’s a good idea but I who will decide what is misinformation or not? And about bots… I think the web is doomed. Ai will make sure everything is just bot content in the end.
Credible sources. Reports from high quality news sources trusted government sources etc.
I don’t see the point really. So people joining that community will just be told to go to the ordinary high profile common web sites we all know?
But sure, I guess…
lemmy.world engages in its own form of censorship when it wholesale bans other instances and its members actively downvote posts pejorative of biden and gaza; this seems like it’s getting off on bad footing.