This is Bette. Look at those beautiful eyes 😍 the rest of the buff orpingtons have golden eyes to match their feathers, but hers are green.

I was trying to get a picture of the flock munching on the strawberry & cucumber scraps I put out for them, but she needed to be the star of the photo shoot.

A couple half-successful pics of happy monching:

My favorite chicken, Ada, is still in protective custody with the baby guineas, or she would have been the star through sheer force of personality.

The adult guineas are terrible parents and step on their babies, and they eventually kill any I let them keep. This broody chicken was so happy to have them, and she’s a wonderful mom. Whenever I bring treats to them, she checks to make sure it’s safe, then calls the babies to eat before her. 🥰

She has always been a standout sweetie pie and smartypeeps. She’s been a lap chicken since she was a baby, and she’s braver and more curious than the others.

Hey! Treat Lady! Less paperwork, more peeperwork!

She would perch on a box to get a closer look at my phone when I would take pictures in their enclosure when they were babies

and she would climb onto my hands as soon as they were in the enclosure and low enough for her to hop up, and she just wanted to be snuggled.

Hope you have enjoyed some cute birb pictures ❤️ wishing you all the cuteness and snuggles your heart desires!

  • They are SO holdable! 🥰 Sometimes when I scoop one up, I marvel about how the size of their chests fits so perfectly in my palm, it’s like they’re meant to be snuggled. The little wings-lifted squat is so fucking cute too, it’s like the chicken equivalent of a dog running over and flopping down to demand belly scritches ❤️

    If there’s anyone selling farm eggs in your area, you should buy eggs sometime and ask if their chickens are friendly.