Is there any kind of feed anywhere to be found that just shows a satellite video of how it grew without some newscaster blathering on about it, then showing me waves on a beach and stoking fear? Yeah, I know all about that. Shut up. All I want is to watch a storm build from beginning to end in sweet, sweet silence. Maybe throw some data in there; like wind speed, pressure, historical track projections, etc.
Is there any kind of feed anywhere to be found that just shows a satellite video of how it grew without some newscaster blathering on about it, then showing me waves on a beach and stoking fear? Yeah, I know all about that. Shut up. All I want is to watch a storm build from beginning to end in sweet, sweet silence. Maybe throw some data in there; like wind speed, pressure, historical track projections, etc.
I think I may have found one.