So recently I’ve gotten a bit more serious about my internet security, and made some changes. Here’s a short list of what I’ve done, but I’m wondering if I’m missing anything important:

  • Moved from Brave to Firefox
  • Bought my own domain for my email (so I can switch email providers at any time)
  • Switched to Duck Duck Go from google (It’s gotten worse anyways)
  • Bought the Proton package (VPN, Encrypted email, etc…)
  • Installed Thunderbird (instead of microsoft mail app)
  • Installed uBlock Origin
  • Installed Bitwarden for password managing (My passwords are also no longer all the same)

Is there anything that I have missed that should be a priority for internet security?

    1 year ago
    • MFA all accounts that support it
    • important accounts use hardware key like Yubikey
    • Ditch SMS mfa use Authenticator or hardware key
    • custom email aliases (proton have SimpleLogin) use separate email for every account just like password
    • change your browsing habits from YouTube instagram twitter to privacy alternatives (there is Firefox plugin Privacy Redirect)
    • use separate vm for higher risk browsing or separate computer (tails)
    • get VoIP phone number redirect your current phone to VoIP.
    • use pre paid phone only for internet and never use it for phone or sms. For more paranoid activate away from home using fake name (Mint mobile for instance doesn’t check if it’s real)
    • use phone that was never registered to your name (don’t reuse old phones)
    • setup always on VPN on your home on router with killswitch so you never reveal your IP accidentally
    • use privacy oriented DNS service

    If you into privacy I recommend Extreme Privacy book that goes over many things. The lengths that you go to protect your privacy will depend on your threat model. Privacy is expensive unfortunately.

      1 year ago

      custom email aliases (proton have SimpleLogin) use separate email for every account just like password

      voluntarily subjecting yourself to mitm attack is… uh… not the smartest idea in the world 😂

      and definitely not something you should advise to someone asking how to increase their security.

      get VoIP phone number redirect your current phone to VoIP.

      you have to pay for every such call. and what is the security gain here?

      use phone that was never registered to your name (don’t reuse old phones)

      that is to protect you from nsa, in some enemy of the state scenario?

      setup always on VPN on your home on router with killswitch so you never reveal your IP accidentally

      again, what scenario is this useful in? lets say i am not really into international terrorism…

      The lengths that you go to protect your privacy will depend on your threat model.

      yeah, and reading your advises, you are obviously some james bond hunted by 10 enemy intelligence services at once 🤣