So some months ago I watched a trailer for an upcoming game that looks pretty neat, but of course I can’t remember the name for the life of me. Maybe y’all can help me. I don’t think it’s been released yet.

It was a FPS maybe with RPG elements set in a cyber-disytopia. The trailer had the player exploring an abandoned gas station in a desert type setting. Armed with a revolver. I think the enemies were some kinda robots. The setting and aesthetics were kinda 80’s retrofuture. The player character was driving a very Night Rider kinda car, but it hovered with no wheels.

I’ve just built a computer that’s not a POS laptop and have been searching through steam for fun things to play, that I’d never dreamed of being able to run, when I remembered this one I’d seen that looked interesting.

Thanks for the help in advance!

EDIT: Unindented Consequences

      97 days ago

      whoaaa. that looks amazing. I added it to my wishlist. I dont know if that was what op was looking for but I’m certainly glad you linked it!

      • naticus
        37 days ago

        And here I am blown away by the screenshots and want to wishlist it, only to see I already had it on my wishlist and remember NOTHING about seeing this previously.

  • mox
    238 days ago

    Lemmy tip: Don’t indent your paragraphs.

    We’re writing in Markdown here, so 4+ spaces at the beginning of a line triggers code formatting. It breaks line wrapping, so many readers are forced into a lot of horizontal scrolling back and forth if they want to read your text. It sometimes also breaks color schemes, burning dark-mode readers’ eyes with blocks of bright white.

    Back to your request…

    Your description reminds me of bits of Cyberpunk 2077 and Overwatch, but I don’t think it’s either of those. It doesn’t exactly match any games I can think of right now. Good luck. :)

  • jafffacakelemmy
    17 days ago

    trailers always make a game look good, that’s their job. when it’s released, if it really is any good, you’ll hear about it if you keep an eye out!