As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.

      3 months ago

      You did what you could as someone who saw abuse of a minor online. She exploits L “ As a verb, exploit commonly means to selfishly take advantage of someone in order to profit from them or otherwise benefit oneself. As a noun, exploit means a notable or heroic accomplishment. ”

      Apparently the endangerment of a child (putting them in very inappropriate situations for the world to see) isn’t something that social media cares about. This is just wrong.

      Not shocking that S doesn’t see it as an immediate red flag for the world, since she doesn’t respect consent and she doesn’t give a sh*t about refugees, starving kids, war or trans kids.

      It’s why I blocked influencers and other garbage. As long as they’re making money not even her friends who have called out similarly inappropriate things in the past will speak up. I cannot imagine knowing her IRL and not being concerned for L. If this is on camera, then what isn’t being shown? It’s s*xual abuse, exploitation and manipulation. I can’t believe anyone chooses money and popularity over a safe and healthy life for their children. This is a new low.

        3 months ago

        Sarah is a click bait queen and she includes L. As you say this is exploitation. Do you remember when Sarah posted the last time she fed her baby click bait. The live birth click bait.