You missed the best part, in the German Flag, they’ve written “u/spez ist ein Hurensohn!”
Translation: u/spez is a son of a whore/bitch (Google says bitch, commenters are saying whore.)
Welp, that’s my vocabulary lesson for the day. Screenshot:
Also, the dino in the upper right is cute.
no one cares about the dino, I just wanna read “FUCK SPEZ!”
I think the Dino is cute :c but I agree I would prefer more “FUCK SPEZ”.
deleted by creator
Why do u act like everyone knows German?
It’s not hard to look it up.
Hurensohn - son of a bitch.
Or whoreson if you want to go a bit Shakespeare.
I always want to go a bit Shakespeare!
Shall I compare the to a Summer‘s day? Thou art hot
Forsooth my friend doth not we all ?
I just assumed it was something disparaging him and was satisfied
It’s not hard to guess since it’s basically whoreson
Yeah, before I looked up the translation I figured it was “whore’s son” which is close enough.
That’s actually exactly what it means, not “son of a bitch.”
Are you telling me I can put words into the internet and it will just tell me what it means??
Aka Whoreson
Are you trolling? Because your username is literally a German word
You re the only one got it and it upsets me
Usa un traductor, son solo 3 palabras
Yeah! Assuming everyone understands our language is reserved for us Americans!
Because I do t speak German and I got the gist of it.
Why do you assume translations and search engines don’t exist?
What’s that mean?
I don’t know any German, so this is a complete guess, but I think it’s spez is a whores son
Good guess.
Hure [ˈhuːrə] = whore Sohn [ˈzøːnə] = son
deleted by creator
Our French compatriots are giving Spez the guillotine!
lmao I didn’t know what was happening in this one for a moment
There are a bunch of posts of people recording the admins censoring it now.
Yep saw the guillotine thanos snapping before my eyes… This could’ve actually been fun but fucckkiinnnggg reddit.
Can we start out own lemmy place?
It’s seemingly true. If not admins (who else would it be?), it’s absolutely getting botted like crazy. Here’s the evidence
How much is Spez paying their admins to stay up all day and night censoring place? lmao
That’s pretty damning. At best, it’s a bot. Individual users would pick less random colors like predominantly white and black.
So at best, it’s a troll with a bot that is beating their anti bad actor measures.
By opening up r/place again, they’ve stolen the magic from it.
The first time it happened, it was amazing and novel.
The second time was an incredible surprise each time the board opened up again. I was involved with the r/Beach House community to put up an homage to our favorite band.
But now… It’s become repetitive. It feels like just an attention grab, like a ploy to artificially increase traffic to the site. This time, it looks no different from every other time r/place has taken… place. It’s flags everywhere, there’s so much anger surrounding it, and it’s just not fun.
r/place was special because of its spontaneity. But now it’s soulless, like every other corporate-owned internet phenomenon is.
Fuck Steve Huffman.
Everything from these big corps have no soul. Because we know it’s just about exploiting users for money.
I want the old internet back so bad. Hopefully federation can fuel many new actually fun services that are not built to make money but to actually entertain and amuse people, or simply be useful.
I personally feel pleasure from doing good things in the world. But it seems to be a group of people who doesn’t feel it’s worth doing something for others unless there is money to be made from it.
I feel bad for every user that hasn’t experienced an internet before all of this. Golden years to me, was 1996 ~ 2008. To others, far earlier.
The only thing we had to deal with then, was just popups. Now, it’s like every fucking thing imaginable has to be turned into some subscription or retooled to be shareholder friendly. Because that’s exactly what everything is gearing towards to appease - these fucking shareholders with stakes. Shareholders, who constitute a band of people who have absolutely no knowledge or fucks given as to what made things as good as they were in past internet. It’s all about data farming for money to then market people to shit.
Google had to go and acquire YouTube, things seemed okay in the beginning. Now look at it, fucking bombardment of ads if you aren’t using an adblocker. Amazon had to go and acquire Twitch and things seemed okay in the beginning. Now look at it, you’re meaning to tell me I have to sit through 8 ads, while you minimize a stream of a channel I’m watching?! AND You’re going to make YOUR OWN SUBSCRIPTION WHEN AMAZON PRIME ISN’T ENOUGH?! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!
Reddit was great until 2016, it broke itself over politics. Then it broke itself even further by 2020 and now we are where we are with it. Social Media, is running in place. It’s about statistics anymore. Has Facebook ever been useful and functional? I’m having a hard time now remembering when the last time it even had real people helping you, because now it’s just in some stupid half-ass wiki that doesn’t even have all of the answers in it’s own ecosystem.
Everyone is too politicized now, almost can’t go a damn few comments anymore without someone coming up to you with an emotionally charged reply, that’s hiding in the background, the basis of their political stance.
I agree and this internet we have now has turned into crap, and it’s the corporations who is responsible for it, because they want their profits.
Every big tech service is always nice at first and then the horrific ads and user tracking starts. People use an ad company to search the internet now and that’s completely normal appearently. :)
I agree in general, but search feels like an odd example. That space has been dominated by ad companies since even before the internet (e.g., Yellow Pages).
It’s pathetic because it’s nothing new, it’s old code, they just have to run it again to try and distract the users. There’s no changes, no creativity, no risk. They’re just jangling keys in front of the baby to try and stop it crying
It seems emptier this time. Like lots of uncontested space there.
It’ll be filled
By more “fuck spez” hopefully
It’s now a symbol of how deteriorated Reddit has become. I mean, yeah, you’ve summarized it perfectly. r/place is now the symbolism of everything wrong with Reddit. It’s repetitious, as much as all of the karma farming posts on Reddit have been for years. All the other places had contained a culture snapshot of everything that Reddit brought together.
All that this version of Place has brought, is all of the anguish towards one person and their poor decision making.
I might could live with repetitive if it wasn’t for the anger. I’ve got a 2’x2’ print of 2022’s canvas sitting next to my desk, and I still get lost in it every now and then. Just another trip exploring a new canvas could be fun.
But then I open the page and 15% of it is just “fuck spez” and everyone is angry. Rightfully so, but… I just don’t feel it anymore.
Ehh, flags dominated since the very first r/place.
But yes it’s pretty obvious each new edition is ever more astroturfed. The second one had lots of obvious organised bots designing perfect shapes and logos, and moderators’ meddling was noticed as well.
It’s the ol’ Blizzard “Look, we’re introducing a new character who might be gay! There’s no lore that references it anywhere, we’re just tellin’ you they’re gay or lesbian, aren’t we great!” kind of maneuver. Ooh, look at the special thing we’re doing, aren’t we playful and fun?
For the record, I’m all for inclusiveness, I just use Blizzard as an example since they used to be just so transparent about that before the really dark times.
Yeah, I agree this is most certainly to increase traffic. On the one hand, I like that there are many places on the board where the anti-admin sentiment is very obvious, but it does play into their hands in terms of traffic numbers.
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Don’t threaten me with a good time.
I saw a suggestion to go put a “join Lemmy” banner on there, is it happening?
Not yet, be the change you want to see in the world.
Or don’t and don’t give them traffic
the point is to take away traffic in the long run
Nah I’d rather stay away from that platform
Still haven’t seen a “join lemmy” but gotta love “Digg 4 Lyfe”
Edit: It actually says DGG 4 LYFE.
I’m not 100% sure but I’m willing to bet that’s for the streamer Destiny who’s community often refers to itself as “dgg” for
Looks like it.
Vaushites reoresent!
It would probably get removed
They are coordinating the r/Save3rdPartyApps banner in this discord.
Agreed. 3rd Farty Apps are important.
I prefer Ther Derpyapps.
This is still traffic on the site.
Do you expect to see the site die in a week?
How far back do you think user engagement on r/place will stall reddit failing?
Do you think not using the canvas would cause more harm than their favorite event being covered in language shitting on the CEO and making the pretty canvas not marketable?
Personally, I strongly disagree if you do think so. Even if every Lemmy user drove 0 traffic to reddit, it would change very little of their day to day engagement.
It’s important in the long term to move away from reddit and reduce engagement of the site, but the cost benefit ratio of fucking up the marketability of r/place strongly outweighs the effect users would have engaging the site.
Do you think not using the canvas would cause more harm than their favorite event being covered in language shitting on the CEO and making the pretty canvas not marketable?
Not just that. The whole /r/place event has been covered by (tech) news sites every year. This year, it’s a much better story than ever before.
Exactly, this is a huge marketing event for them. If the marketability of Reddit is shown to be “FUCK SPEZ FUCK SPEZ FUCK SPEZ”, that is going to cost them in terms of that white glove corporate cleanliness they crave to provide and profit off of.
I don’t expect anything. I don’t know how ad execs think and I don’t think I want to know. Who the fuck can say if they value traffic or clean language more? What I know is that SEPARATE ENTIRELY, to quote a great thinker of our time, is the best route in terms of personal mental health. Whether reddit fails or continues, I’m doing my best to not give a shit. That includes not interacting with the site, regardless of the reason.
Bad enough that I still find myself with a reddit post being the only place I can find an answer to a problem every once in a while. I don’t need to go there voluntarily.
I respect the mental health boundaries you need, but not all of us have that conflict* (trying to find a word that does not sound demeaning, I am not a wordist sorry).
For me, yes I’m upset that reddit is a burning shithole, but it weighs on my mind no more than leaving myspace, Icanhascheeseburgers, ragecomics, 4chan, Facebook, or any of the other numerous forums and social media sites I have split from.
So I respect your need to avoid it, but I do not believe this is the same for the majority of people who are interested in taking action.
I do think it would be best for most of us. Not least because it’s more important to build our space here on Lemmy than to waste time on a site that we want/expect/hope to fail. The analogy with a nasty breakup isn’t too farfetched - try to avoid running into your ex, at least for a while, it can only lead to more pain and won’t help you move on. Especially when there’s a real possibility that your ex actually benefits financially from the two of you meeting.
The breakup analogy falls short for numerous reasons, primarily because we are talking about communities rather than individuals.
More like a divorce with kids involved than a simple breakup. Some people are happy to divorce and run from their kids, abandoning them to their ex, but some people want to keep as much of their family healthy and intact as possible, forcing them to go to court or other forms of confrontational discourse in order to achieve their goals.
Many of us come from communities that have been split and the only way to rebuild and regroup is by engaging the missing community members where they are.
Sure, that’s a valid view, but a healthy divorce also doesn’t include yelling obscenities at the other parent in public and raiding the house you both used to live in (not that I object to the language used). It’s still minimising contact to what’s necessary. And maybe accepting that some kids would like to stay with the other parent and focusing on those kids that want to stay with you.
Which is another failure of using personal relationships as an analogy to corporations vs people.
We are not talking about interpersonal emotional discourse, we are talking about consumer vs corporation and corrupt capitalist corporate powers at work.
I say burn the megacorps myself but I understand not everybody is as passionate on that topic.
The original discussion was about user engagement and the cost to benefit ratio of engaging them. I find it somewhat hypocritical to claim we shouldn’t care about their success and to accept that some people want to use the site, while your original comment is complaining about user engagement on the other website.
If we are supposed to accept users being on the other website, why are you commenting about site traffic?
Always nice to stumble across someone who understands the wisdom of The Golden God.
You guys act like an infinitesimally small blip of traffic coming from a relatively niche community will be enough to make reddit successful again. People on /r/place drawing “fuck spez” using 1d old accounts and adblockers are nothing. Ruining this year’s /r/place in exchange for a blip of mostly useless traffic is a W imo.
That’s the same thinking that leads to “what’s my one vote going to do?”
Traffic benefits them in two main ways: directly via ad loads (plus coins and rewards while those were a thing), and indirectly via content added by that traffic. If you block ads and aren’t adding content, your traffic just costs them money in compute resources and bandwidth.
Clicks themselves don’t generate revenue. Thinking that they are directly translatable to revenue might be why Reddit is in this mess better they saw lots of clicks and wanted to turn them into money but it’s not that simple and they fucked up their attempt (well, maybe, time will tell the long term effects of this).
Ruining this year’s /r/place
Easy there, Robespierre. You won’t “ruin” r/place by creating some tiny logo that will be scrubbed away by the moderators in five minutes.
Idk if you’ve actually seen what /r/place looks like right now but it’s way more than just a single tiny logo lol. The majority of it is about spez.
This is true. But if this is this year’s Place event, that’s a sad turnout, regardless of what’s being done there. Nothing like the original, not that anyone expected it would be. Dare to say this will be the last Place on Reddit.
I waited 5 years to participate in the second r/place since hearing about everything that happened in the first one was what brought me into Reddit. Now we’re getting a new one already? I feel robbed.
True, I’d just like to avoid encouraging people to go there now, to gloat or to participate in the shitting on spez.
every time they do r/place it feels a little less special
I think it felt fine in 2022, the five year gap was long enough. But this year… it just feels hollow to me. Can’t tell if that’s from repetition or just me being burnt out on Reddit, or both.
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Have you seen America lately? Them removed drive around in their truck flying their flag with a vinyl decal of their flag on their back windshield, wearing a flag hat, shirt, and shorts, with sunglasses with their flag, blasting their anthem, with their lawn chairs in the back.
EDIT: omg… lemmy can edit my comment and censor stuff when I click post? That’s concerning.
I can imagine they attempted to save face after all the 3rd party app mess, of course it’s an ill-advised decision and backfired on them as it should.
Idk 17 - 22 was a big enough gap to restore the novelty. 22 - 23 not so much…
Every time you do anything more and more often it feels less special. That’s how things work.
So, at the end, it worked?.. shame
Reddit does not need love, people enjoying it or whatever, they need traffic. Advertisers dont care if you are there just to express how awfull reddit is, they need views. I would have love to see this shit staying blank.
I think even if users actually abstained, bots would get involved to make place look active. maybe. I don’t know how far reddits willing to go to make it seem like they’re a good platform
But wouldn’t that open them up to serious litigation for misleading shareholders when they drop the IPO?
They’re going to IPO on the basis of content that’s already there. If they have two braincells to rub together they won’t make any promises about current and future content and how it gets in.
How many of them don’t know about Lemmy yet and would switch in a second if they found out?
I don’t know if the comparison applies here cause whats happening in reddit is a little bit more aggressive, but i have been in another more local based dying internet community (Taringa was pretty popular in latinamerica, 15 years ago or so)… we all knew the moment in which the site died. We expressed ourselves, made jokes about the owners, tried to fight back… nothing changed and people continued to use the site, mostly because we didnt have a replacement for it. At the end it took aprox. 10 years to settle down to the dead site that it is now. Its like a candle, slowly devouring itself to the end. I guess the same will happen with reddit.
I think a lot of reddit users havent even thought about looking for a replacement, they dont know about lemmy and they wouldnt switch either. I may be wrong.
I was on Digg before switching to Reddit 14 years ago and once people were told Reddit existed there was a landslide of people switching because Digg admins were being such jackasses.
this is like following your ex on instagram. time to let them go
True, but also, this is a community for talking about reddit
Gotta vent about our ex at some point.
I need the shadenfreud of seeing what shitty life choices shes making.
The Among Us characters are also back, but they are all FUCK SPEZ. 😆
Ah good to see Belgium represented 😅
Starting a J for “Join Lemmy” at (22,-202)
Apparently there’s also a “Lemmy” going on at (-190,-195)
I don’t see the J or the Lemmy
There was a time when the pyramids were just a pile of stones
i mean i can’t tell where to place a pixel to help. Haven’t done this before
Place has always been a bit shit. The first time was interesting and novel because all the factions emerged with different ideologies that actually created personas and identities for themselves, but ever since then it’s just been 50/50 nationalism or consumer products. There’s so many more interesting things that could be painted and yet half of it will be flags of bourgeoise states.
should’ve written join lemmy
I think all the Lemmy folks don’t want to give Reddit the traffic. At least that’s my theory.
That’s been the overwhelming response each time I’ve seen it brought up. I want to help put little Lemmy symbols or something, but I haven’t seen one forming when I’ve had a chance to check
I see that, but that’s not the way.
Guerrilla marketing is still needed and if you use the proper tools (I guess everybody has browser extentions here!), your interactions won’t give a coin to reddit.
Fair enough. Sorry to contribute to a broken record. 😕
Really disappointed by all the “fuck Spez” instead of “join Lemmy,” you’d think advertising a competitor would be much more hurtful to Reddit…
“Hey, we’re still cool. Remember this cool thing we did, look, we’re doing it again, aren’t we cool”. Like that annoying kid in the class who had everybody laugh with one joke 2 years ago, and now he is repeating it time and again in order to get the same laughs.
Except in this case he’s after any engagement so hateclicks are as good as loveclicks.