As someone who loves snarking on both TBP & alicia, I was very VERY put off by the holier than thou attitudes in the alicia sub after birdies got shut down about the levels of snark. “Oh that’s why we have the rules that we have” you are not better than any of us, k thanks! There are still plenty of comments daily on that sub that teeter the line of being fatphobia, let’s not act above it all. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest & I’m glad to be here. ❤️

    5 months ago

    Why are you here? Just to try to defend her?

    People have said that constantly whipping out her fupa and making bedrooms eyes at the camera, while having her children shown in the next reel/story(especially v young child in private moments) is sick. It is. Her saying consent is annoying is wrong. It is. It has been proven that her clips, a long with clips of her young child show up on porn sites. She knows this. But doesn’t care because it gets views.

    People have also commented she looks too hyped up from soda. And her pupils look huge. Thats whatever, pupils can be big for many reasons. And ppl can be hyper naturally as well. No one is accusing her of anything to her face or on her page. Ppl are allowed opinions on a snark page, even if they are wrong (I think she is just hyper cuz she is).

    I haven’t seen any pictures of her kids on the sub in the past year. The sub definitely cares more about her children’s privacy than she does. No contest.

    No one diagnosed her. Psych lexicon is part of popular culture. And again people have opinions on the very bizarre behavior she can exhibit. Again no professional is following her and telling her she is this and that.

    Someone filmed her at a PUBLIC event in a PUBLIC space. They did not go into her bathroom and film her getting undressed. She does that all by herself.

    I saw ppl saying things about Shame which I did think were unfounded. But again he allows himself to be posted. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think commenting on his looks adds anything. Not everyone has the same opinion.

    Finally, everything that has been said about is based on what she puts out on public platform. She chose to be a public figure, she chose to present herself online in a way that is extremely different to reality. She made her $$$ off of her audience. Her audience has the right to have an opinion and state that opinion. They did not go to her house or film themselves saying foul shit and post it to millions of people. They made a forum on a publicly accessible site to talk amongst themselves.

    Kindly get your head out of her 🍑.

    • Stringcheese@lemmy.caOP
      5 months ago

      You said it all but just to contribute one more piece, I’ve seen a LOT of those comments mentioned on alicia’s sub ESP regarding the armchair diagnosing & speculating about being Scoots ‘beard’ like come TF on. Be so fucking for real. Let’s step down from the high horses here. I didn’t agree with the parent bribing her kid to get that content but I’m also not here to judge someone who is seemingly not a public figure & who doesn’t make money influencing the way that Sarah is.

    • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
      5 months ago

      Your points about the filming are important to note. Anyone in Canada can be filmed or photographed at any time while they are in a public place. There are no laws against it. In fact, It’s something people should know. The mods didn’t have to take the video down but they chose to and I hate that someone is being made to feel like a criminal for getting footage of the Princess in the wild.

      5 months ago

      Oh so you think it’s ok to secretly film people at the mall? That video also showed minors at the mall too. Imagine if you or your kid is secretly filmed to be put on Reddit. That is the stuff that gets subs shut down. Which is the topic of convo here

        5 months ago

        🍒 picking, ey? Tis the season.

        No I don’t think people should film any “regular” citizen wihout their consent. She made herself a public figure. Frankly they should have gotten closer and filmed her where she could see it. I bet she would have posed. And fuckin plz. Minors? You couldn’t see anything in that video. You could barely tell who Sarah was. 🙄

        And as has been pointed out it was taken down.

        Why does it fall on the aggrieved party to always be courteous and polite, when the one who aggravates is none of those things.

        Srsly. Why are you here

            5 months ago

            I wanted to reply to this person regarding the kids because the only reason that pictures exist are because their mother and nana plaster pictures of them all over the internet and anything reposted in Reddit sub had the children edited out! So that was a lie. That’s the same lie “Jen Solowski” used to spout

      • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
        5 months ago

        There is no expectation of privacy while in a public place. None.

        You care about the privacy of minors. The Princess has filmed and posted video of her youngest in the bath on more than one occasion and we know she has more than 2M followers and a wide open platform. She has posted her video from the nanny cam when the child thought she was just playing alone in her bedroom. There’s an expectation of privacy in those places and it’s being violated by the child’s mother.

        You’re throwing out straw man arguments