pls let there be an unexploded mine hidden somewhere waiting it’s big break
Yemen please
Russians plan something very exciting to commemorate the Siege of Berlin 80th anniversary
The Red Army won WW2 :)
that soldier:
largest amphibious landing in history
no marines present
But the marines didn’t even do that 80 years ago.
literally LARPing lmao
at least bust out the old M1 Garands if you’re just gonna larp like this
marines will cosplay as marines (and it’ll cost a lot)
They won’t even cosplay as marines, just normal army grunts, of American forces in D-day there was 15000 airborne and 58000 infantry soldiers.
The funniest possibility is if the landing boats didn’t work so they have to scrap the whole idea
Even funnier would be if there were catastrophic failures and fatalities happened.