So at work today, the discussion of household heating and gas/electricity bills came up (entering winter Down Under), and I commented that we have our central heating set to 14 Celsius (approx 57 Freedoms) overnight, and off during the day/evening. We find that 14 is quite comfortable under a fluffy doona/duvet. I was warmly mocked (well natured), and informed that something closer to 24C (75F) is appropriate, day and night.
Surely not… right?
Ahh yes, we also suffer from a lack of insulation. Empty ceiling and walls. The 50s was a pretty relaxed era for Australian housing.
It’s a house from the early 70s in France.
There was almost no insulation. First rules to improve that started around 1974.
How does it work in Australia? Does gouv try to help people to improve that in old houses?
I guess it would be great for summer as I think it’s pretty warm there.