• rektdeckard@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    We ALREADY TRIED this tactic when we got lazy and apathetic about Hillary, and that’s what gave us Trump the first time around. If we had showed up like we meant it in the primaries, we could have had Bernie.

    When we sit on our hands, the wolves lunge for our throats. It will take decades to undo the pillaging of another Trump presidency. Good luck surviving to the next election (assuming Trump permits one) if you’re gay, brown, happen to become pregnant, etc.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Actually the equivalent to that would be to, this time around, to not attend the primaries again, rather than to refrain from voting Biden.

      You might have noticed that you didn’t even got any primaries and the DNC just decided that the left(ish) faction of the Democrats should not get a choice and will just have to vote for the slightly less far-right supporter of ultra-racist fascists commiting Genocide so as to stop the slightly more far-right supporter of ultra-racist fascists commiting Genocide.

      Lefties didn’t sit on their hands: the election was already stollen from them months ago and the only option they have now is to either “go along with it” or “punish”.

      Game Theory indicates in this kind of setup were one side decides how to divide the cake and the other side can either accept (i.e “going along with it” and getting what little the other side allocated for you whils they get the big bulk they allocated for themselves) or reject (i.e. “punish”, since reject means they both lose), “punish” is the only option that can convince the other side to act differently in the next round and “going along with it” is guaranteed to make them act in the exact same way or worse in subsequent rounds.

      You’re not just voting for the President in this election, you’re also voting for how the DNC will behave in the next round and hence what options you will have in the next Presidential Election.