“Love is as varied as people are.”

~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)

  • @bleistift2@feddit.de
    441 month ago

    In Germany you can always tell if a historic thing was good or bad by whether it started or ended in 1933.

    • Azuth
      81 month ago

      The social progressiveness and economic struggles of Weimar Germany make me very nervous about where we are now in the US. History may not always repeat itself but it does rhyme.

  • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
    201 month ago

    In school (US) they taught us about the book burnings but conveniently left out that a lot of the most famous pictures are from this institute being ransacked. The suppression of knowledge continues :/

  • newtraditionalists
    101 month ago

    Thank you for sharing this. I’m always moved when learning about our queer kin and what our ancestors went through so that I can live happily with my partner. Here’s to hope and taking these examples as a reason to persevere through our own struggles.