• @Phegan@lemmy.world
    6210 months ago

    This makes sense, while I am having fun with Starfield, no mans sky offers an experience that I felt that Starfield promised and did not provide.

    • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
      2910 months ago

      This is exactly what I heard on a podcast today (unfortunately I can’t play starfield) and basically boils down to the fact, that starfield really doesn’t offer anything more than mass effect did like 15 years ago - gameplay wise.

      • @BowtiesAreCool@lemmy.world
        3310 months ago

        Which for me is absolutely fine. I’d much rather spend my time doing quests in detailed cities and occasionally going out to explore over the painfully empty universe of NMS. And I love NMS just for difference reasons. NMS is like a relaxing sandbox game for me, but Mass Effect and Starfield brings the characters, story, worldbuilding, quests, factions.

        • @sup@lemmy.ca
          610 months ago

          I agree with both of you. I was hoping Starfield would be a mix of both, but sadly, it isn’t

        • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          Exactly! The problem comes when you overpromise and overhype stuff and then don’t deliver on that front - which is a shame.

          And yes, you really can’t compare NMS and starfield, as you mentioned.

      • BlinkerFluid
        810 months ago

        I asked the question(last night on Team Fortress 2, the people’s forum), if Starfield isn’t a good space game, is it still a good Bethesda game?

        And the answer? Mostly yes. I’ve added it to my wishlist. I’ll get it whenever I can mod in 500 different improvements to shit they’ll never fix.

        • @Erk@cdda.social
          410 months ago

          I mean… I think it’s a pretty good space game too, depending on what you want.

          Yesterday I took my custom-built ship to explore an alien world. On my way in, I was hailed by a merchant and warned there were pirates in system. I thanked them, they jumped off, and being me, I decided to go planet hopping until I ran into the pirates. Destroyed two, saw that one had a cool looking ship so I switched to EMP weapons and took out their grav drive and engines. Once those were offline, I boarded them. The damage had taken out their gravity so the whole ship was in zero-g, with pens and junk floating around, obscuring my vision. The firefight against the crew was surprisingly tough, as they had mounted auto-turrets that were at a distinct advantage against me because I was being thrown around by the micrograv, but I did eventually capture the ship. Once I got the gravity on, though, all the stuff in the interior crashed down and was scattered everywhere. I searched around to see if I could find some contraband… but it was too messy, and I guess I missed some, because when I jumped into a more civilized sector the SysDef patrols caught me. Here I am, flying a stolen pirate ship, trying to explain to the cops that the drugs in my hold aren’t mine and I didn’t know they were there. Usually I’d bribe the guy to let me through but that didn’t work out well this time, and the next thing you know I find myself in the brig aboard the UC Vanguard under a bright lamp being interrogated by someone with far too much brass on his chest to be dealing with a reported drug runner. Looks like maybe I got myself in a bit over my head…

          Anyway. If that’s not a space game, I don’t know what is. I can’t think of any other space games that would offer that particular mix of space combat and RPG experiences. And that wasn’t really an unusual play story! It’s just that this isn’t NMS, as I think that shows.

        • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          The question now is, how does a good Bethesda game compare to all the other games released?

          I’ve added it to my wishlist. I’ll get it whenever I can mod in 500 different improvements to shit they’ll never fix.

          Same here, but I definitely need to upgrade my PC first haha But by then it should run fine and there should be mod support as well.

        • @XTornado@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          Well if you don’t expect much more than previous ganes I guess.

          They removed some stuff like the NPCs don’t have schedules so it’s a little bit weird when you get missions of go there and put this documents in there or steal something from that office just to find out they work 365/7/24h… not random NPCs, NPCs with names that live in the office. So that plan of getting in at night or something goes to shit. Or waiting for that specific guy to leave the office… nah not happening.

          That said… you can enter a company an walk through it visit the boss office go through it to their back warehousesteal whatever and as long as they don see you directly do something they don’t care one bit, no disguise no tricking them into thinking you are a technician or shit nah, look at me I work here now. Really really dumb. You have to use your imagination of how that actually happen.

          • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            Well if you don’t expect much more than previous ganes I guess.

            Unfortunately for me, I did expect a bit more… but that’s on me.

            Baldur’s gate for sure set the bar quite high in some aspects - and rightfully so imho.

      • Bleeping Lobster
        10 months ago

        starfield really doesn’t offer anything more than mass effect did like 15 years ago - gameplay wise

        As a day1 NMS player who is getting a bit bored with the game, if you said to me hey there’s a new game and it’s pretty similar to mass effect… I’d be very interested in that!

        Not every game is for everyone, I know quite a few people just don’t seem to get NMS. I often take breaks from it now but each expedition / update brings me back; it’s amazing how far the game has come and it still surprises me how addictive I find it after 7 years. It’s awesome when a game comes out that reinvents the wheel but maybe not every game has to do that, it can just be a decent game to spend some time forgetting about our worries in?

        I’ve not played Starfield yet but looking forward to trying it out, guess I should keep my expectations low then I’ll be less likely to be disappointed.

        • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
          510 months ago

          I’m a Day 1 NMS player too and I’m really glad and impressed how much the turned the ship around. I also come back for the expeditions/updates!

          It’s awesome when a game comes out that reinvents the wheel but maybe not every game has to do that, it can just be a decent game to spend some time forgetting about our worries in?

          You’re right, nobody excepts a new invention of the wheel every time, but to keep with your analogy, I would be nice if the at least used the newer/updated wheel instead of hanging on to 15 year old ones - sure they still work, but the newer ones offer a lot of things I’ve got used to. Or in other words, the standards have changed quite a bit.

          I really don’t want to hate on the game, it’s definitely on my list and if I can justify a small PC upgrade I will definitely play it. But I’m just a bit… disappointed, that Starfield didn’t live up to the hype/promises - this is also on me, I got again caught a bit by the hypetrain.

          guess I should keep my expectations low then I’II be less likely to be disappointed.

          I really hate that this has become a trend now… I really don’t know why and how, but at least in my opinion, this changed drastically over the last view years. I can remember when I rode the hypetrain until the release and wasn’t disappointed… but nowadays you really have to keep your expectations low to end up not disappointed (there are of course expectations).

          • Bleeping Lobster
            210 months ago

            I really hate that this has become a trend now… I really don’t know why and how, but at least in my opinion, this changed drastically over the last view years.

            Agree 100%. To borrow a phrase that’s popular atm, I think it’s the ‘enshittification’ trend at work in games just like social media. Games used to be made by comparatively-smaller teams, devs often had a very deep passion for what they were creating. I’m sure that’s still the case for many devs now but with so many big developers now being owned and controlled by publishers… it’s becoming less and less a passion project, and more a “how much juice can we squeeze out of this lemon” scenario. Then you’ve got stuff being outsourced massively to lots of little providers in order to deal with the scale of modern games, which causes fractures and lack of cohesion in the overall vision (imo).

            TBH, NMS taught me a valuable lesson, not to overhype anything. And that’s not to say I’m now a pessimist, more I’d say I’m a realist… prepare for the worst, hope for the best kinda thing. Then CP77 reinforced that, the one studio I still had faith in did exactly what all the others did by releasing a half-baked game that didn’t live up to their claims (though I’m definitely looking forward to the new update, tempering expectations as always now).

            • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
              310 months ago

              Yeah, it really feels like enshittification… gaming just got so big over the last few years. It really is not as niche as it was.

              Oh yes, NMS was actually the first game I pre-ordered (digitally as well) and played it at midnight - hyped beyond the stars… to be disappointed. Then I was stupid enough to run across town to a shop that sold CP2077 a day early - to be massively disappointed again. Do you think I’ve learned my lesson - no, I also pre-ordered with a group of friend BF2042, because “they cannot possibly drop the ball” - we all now how that turned out.

              At least with NMS, they really turned it around and added so much free content. With CP2077, we will see with the new 2.0 update and the DLC, but I wait for sure for reviews this time. And yeah BF2042 is now in the state it should have launched in… this is the one I regret the most.

              So by now, I have learned my lesson and am proud to say that I’m pre-order free and never in my life will pre-order something again. As you said, keep the expectations low and wait for reviews and the feedback of people here on lemmy. I any don’t have so much time to play games anymore and a few days longer also don’t hurt.

        • @Erk@cdda.social
          10 months ago

          I don’t think you need to keep your expectations low, just keep them realistic. It’s a Bethesda game, it plays like their other games… it’s a whole ton of jank muddled up and duct taped until it holds together just enough for launch. This time they raised the bar to what counts as “holding together” to the level of the other major studios, but a lot of the gameplay systems still feel unfinished. In this I actually think it’s a lot like modern NMS, where things like outpost building feel like they’re actively contradictory to things like settlements; outposts in SF feel like someone did them early in the dev cycle and was then pulled off to work somewhere else and the only attention they got from then on was making sure they didn’t crash the game. Then you’ve also got the typical Bethesda game stuff that people are acting surprised Pikachu about. The character animations look weird sometimes, low poly NPCs especially, there are too many load screens in some places, performance is poor considering the level of graphics, etc.

          However, as long as you know what you’re getting into, imo it’s a great game. The storyline is interesting enough to be fun, but also manages to skip that annoying thing where you’re off learning to be a space pirate for months while your family is being held hostage or something. Some of the side stories are excellent, and the game rewards you well for just taking your time doing stuff. I got caught with contraband yesterday… usually I hit the grav drive and escape rather than paying the fine, but I decided I didn’t care and suddenly found myself embroiled in a shockingly compelling crime drama scene instead of the usual simple dialogue options. There’s shit like that everywhere. There’s an entire cyberpunk mini city half-hidden beneath the main city that you can just not find for dozens of hours, and when you finally get taken there it’s really cool to realize it was under your feet the whole time. And these aren’t even significant spoilers, there’s more that I could tell you that would wreck the surprise for you.

          Basically, go in expecting a game like morrowind/Skyrim/oblivion, where it’s all about a huge breadth of interestint content (and yeah a fair bit of mediocre content because there’s so much of it all) rather than any specific thing being the best in the genre, and you won’t have to keep your expectations low.

          • @samus12345@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            go in expecting a game like morrowind/Skyrim/oblivion

            A defining trait of those games, to me, is having everything in one big world you can wander around in (besides DLC areas, of course). The engine can’t support doing that on an interplanetary scale, so Starfield feels less open to me despite the much larger scope.

            • @Erk@cdda.social
              210 months ago

              I can’t speak for everyone (including you) but I just can’t understand that feeling. It’s hugely open, it just uses tricks to capture that openness in a few places. It’s nice to, say, fly down to a planet seamlessly in NMS, but we all know it’s also kind of a pain in the butt sometimes, it can be annoying to land and it can take a long time and when you’ve done it a bunch it essentially turns into just another loading screen. Flying to or from a planet in SF is slightly less immersive but for me, it’s just a tiny detail that could have been a bit better but doesn’t materially impact the game.

              And I’ve so far never reached the edge of an on-planet instance, the fields are huge and it seems to me you have to actively go hunting for the borders.

              • @samus12345@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                And I’ve so far never reached the edge of an on-planet instance, the fields are huge and it seems to me you have to actively go hunting for the borders.

                Yes, but they’re also completely empty of anything interesting. In Bethesda’s previous games, there were also large swaths of nothing, but there was always something hand-crafted if you ventured far enough. There is no point to going anywhere outside of the hand-crafted areas in Starfield, all of which you must fast travel to. It really kills the exploration aspect of the game, usually one of Bethesda’s strong points.

                • @Erk@cdda.social
                  10 months ago


                  My chief complaint has been that there are too many things. If you go to a moon in the middle of nowhere, your landing site will have an abandoned research station and a secret factory and an observation post all within a couple KM around it. These aren’t tied to the location, but they are hand-crafted, and as soon as the mod API drops I plan to decrease the frequency they show up, because my only complaint is that I hear after a while they get repetitive. So far I’ve been doing enough different things that I haven’t found the same one twice, a hundred hours in.

                  Many of these sites contain their own storylines and characters, and links to other quests.

                  Maybe you and I just have different definitions of interesting. I actually got annoyed at one point during a survey mission because I kept going past something new and compelling that I wanted to explore, but I also really wanted to finish the mission I was on.

                  edit to add: I think it’s specifically interesting to compare this to NMS, which has the exact same problem but a far lower variety of locations to stumble on, none of which have any story or link to each other at all… yet I think we’re all okay with the exploration in NMS?

      • @Erk@cdda.social
        10 months ago

        I’m not sure how you can argue that. Starfield does have some of mass effect’s fun, but also I can build my own ship, dogfight a group of mercs in it, play house with the parts, disable and board a pirate ship in zero g… mass effect, in turn, has a much tighter story and gameplay loop. The core similarity is, what, that they have a space looter-shooter component?

        They’re different games. Starfield is kind of a fusion of mass effect and no man’s sky, there are plenty of similarities between the three but also a lot of differences.

        • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          This was more or less the take from a (german) podcast, where they talked about their Starfield impressions.

          Unfortunately my PC can’t run the game and I have to find a excuse to finally upgrade some parts to play it, so my impressions only come from other people either playing or talking about it. I will 100% play, because it is right up my ally and there a certainly many cool things to do and stuff to explore.

          But for some reason I didn’t quite turned out to be THE game to play, if you know what I mean?

          • @Erk@cdda.social
            110 months ago

            I’m not too surprised it isn’t ‘the’ game to play, myself, but I am surprised at the amount of backlash against it online. It seems to me to be everything it says it will be on the tin, warts and all

            • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
              110 months ago

              I assume it is in part due to the Bethesda acquisition of Microsoft and that Starfield was destined to be the next big exclusive game for Xbox.

              And Todd Howard’s comments about needing better hardware to play the game also didn’t help.

              • @Erk@cdda.social
                110 months ago

                That seems to be part of it. I haven’t paid any attention to any of the news before it launchedd, because I don’t give a damn about console wars or todd howard. I just got the game because my friends were playing it and it sounded like something I’d really like, and it was.

                • @chrisphero@lemmy.world
                  210 months ago

                  Me neither haha, it’s still mostly from the same podcast and a few meme post from our group chat.

                  The whole console war thing as stupid as the whole exclusivity thing…

                  If I could play Starfield right now, I would, but I also have no problem in waiting until it gets patched (which is the case with a lot of games lately).

    • Isaac
      610 months ago

      I don’t understand where they promised space sim. I think people are getting confused with what was promised and what was hoped for.

      • Thorned_Rose
        10 months ago

        Probably because it was compared with Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen a lot. I saw a lot of talk about it in those communities. And the YouTubers who cover those games posted a lot of videos about Starfield too. So at least from that perspective, I can understand why folks would. I certainly thought there was going to be some element of space sim in it.

        • Ataraxia
          610 months ago

          But they were very clear about what you could and couldn’t do.

          • @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
            510 months ago

            Yeah, but people don’t listen and make up their own headcanon, only to be sorely disappointed.

            We’ve seen that time and time again.

          • Thorned_Rose
            10 months ago

            Well, if some people are anything like me then there’s a bunch of people who had no interest in the hype train, didn’t watch those YouTube videos and just went off of the video titles when they popped up in subscriptions.

    • @OrangeCorvus@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      NMS is one of my most played games with over 500hours. What experience does it offer better than Starfield? Outside of seamless planet travel, NMS is a lot less compared to Starfield. Everything is proc gen, the variety is pretty low.

      • BlinkerFluid
        1010 months ago

        Your first 100 hours in No Man’s Sky will be packed to the brim with discovery, holy shit, random thing, stuff you didn’t even know existed, three or four ships you didn’t even know you could get, giant space cruisers, black holes on an almost never repeating dispense to your face.

        Generative Aliens and planets aside, NMS is full of surprises.

        • @twistypencil@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          True, but once I went through my first black hole, I came out somewhere in the middle of the great unknown, and I thought ok, now what? Do I just go back and diddle around in my own area, or what is this endless vast space even for? I kind of had an existential crisis making me wonder why I was doing anything in the game at all, why did anything I do matter? Never felt that one on a game before, haven’t gone back yet because I’m not sure what to do.

        • @Erk@cdda.social
          210 months ago

          That is pretty much what my first hundred hours of starfield have been like as well, though, except Starfield has some story, and fewer of the systems seem to contradict each other.

          Mostly I don’t think it’s fair to either game to compare them. They’re trying to do different things for different audiences on different budgets and different timescales.

          • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            They get compared because Starfield borrows a ton of gameplay concepts from NMS without even adapting them much. The exploration gameplay is quite literally identical to NMS except with uglier procgen planets, fewer abilites and no freedom to fly around everywhere.

            Which is why people who were interested in the exploration aspect tend to be more disappointed with Starfield. The rest of the game is typical Bethesda stuff which is fine, but exploration outside of cities gets really stale really fast. I think that disappoints a lot of people, including me, because exploration was one of my favorite parts of previous Bethesda games like Skyrim

  • @TheMightyCanuck@sh.itjust.works
    2310 months ago

    Jokes on you guys… I expected dogshit from Bethesda. So a half baked space skyrim is actually more than I expected. 22 hrs in and I’m enjoying it. Solid 7/10 if you weren’t over hyped

    • @srecko@lemmy.world
      710 months ago

      I have a backlog full of 7/10 that are left untouched in my library. I’m not paying 70€ for 7/10 that i have to manage expectations. In fact, i’d rather buy outer wilds for a second time.

    • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Better than Fallout 4 but no where near as good as Skyrim basically. it’s obvious Bethesda needs new ideas. It’s crazy to me how many gameplay concepts haven’t evolved at all since Skyrim.

    • Echo Dot
      410 months ago

      I was going to get it and then I remembered that Bethesda games are best purchased 5 years after they’re released once all the models have had an opportunity to actually fix the game.

    • @samus12345@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      I expected better from the hype, but early reviews made it clear it was just another Bethesda game and I adjusted my expectations accordingly. I’d say 7 or 8/10 depending on how much you like Bethesda’s style.

        • @Erk@cdda.social
          210 months ago

          I’d also give it an 8 or so and I haven’t liked anything they’ve done since Morrowind. I think the internet hate-train has its fangs in this one now, and it’ll be a while before a lot of folks can give it an unbiased chance.

          • @Sektor@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            They got lots off ammo from Bethesda, or so it seems. Although, hate content (for youtubers) is more profitable than anything else.

    • Space Sloth
      1110 months ago

      The modders are working feverish to get it up to speed at least. So many QoL mods are being pushed out it’s hard to keep up. It might be a slow process for Bethesda, but I don’t think it’ll take that long for the game to reach some better standard of quality.

      It’s just a shame it’s down to modders to do what Bethesda couldn’t.

      • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
        610 months ago

        It’s how Bethesda works. They release a barely functional foundation, then free labor fixes it and makes it into a working game.

      • @Erk@cdda.social
        510 months ago

        I hate typing this ugh… in bethesda’s defense they’ve already started releasing key patches and announced further changes based on feedback. Here in the NMS forum I’d say people should be more sympathetic to that than usual. I don’t have a lot of faith, because of who it is, but then… I knew what I was paying for, and I think most other people did too.

      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        210 months ago

        Modders can fix the QoL issues, but the game is fundamentally running on an engine that just doesn’t do interplanetary stuff well.

      • @Epicurus0319@sopuli.xyz
        10 months ago

        That was also the case with Cities Skylines and Paradox. They never fixed the one-lane-only bug, or the one where hospitals kill patients sending ambulances to a home on the other side of the city that’s up a steep hill 6 map tiles away, having to go through downtown intersections that cycle 2 ambulances per green.

    • MeanEYE
      710 months ago

      It’s Bugthesda. It’s not going to get anywhere unless Todd decides to make 14 re-releases like they did with Skyrim. Bethesda does nothing for free. NMS took whole fiasco to heart and worked their asses off to fix the game.

  • @dustyData@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Can confirm, I bought No Man’s Sky the day of the Starfield launch. I’m a patient gamer, I don’t pre-order, I don’t play anything on launch, I don’t buy microtransactions, I don’t buy season -passes. It’s the most healthy and fun my relationship with video games has ever been. I haven’t payed full price for a game in years. Somehow publishers keep throwing free games at me, I now have way more entertainment that I could enjoy for the rest of my life.

  • SeaJ
    1210 months ago

    It’s a hell of a lot more polished now. I enjoyed it quite a bit for the 40 or so hours I played. I will probably be back at some point considering they have added a ton of content since I stopped playing. They should probably just work on a DLC at this point. I appreciate the hell out of them for making the game a lot deeper than what was initially promised but I also want to see them make some money for doing so.

  • @samus12345@lemmy.world
    1010 months ago

    I tried NMS because of Starfield, but my instinct to avoid it all these years was right. I can tell it’s a good game for what it is, it’s just not my thing.

    • Phunter
      810 months ago

      I tried NMS because so many people said it was good. It’s not for me unfortunately. Sure they’ve fixed a lot of bugs and added a bunch of features, but none of those changes made it any more fun for me. :|

      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        1010 months ago

        Yeah, I’m just not a “make your own fun” kinda guy when it comes to games, I want more structure.

  • drifty
    10 months ago

    Got this on 50% sale and it’s the best purchase I’ve made in a while. The game is so vast and well executed I’m absolutely in love. All aspects - ships, exploration, attachments, tools, bases, stations, freighters and enemies are so well done.

    It also seems like a spiritual successor to the Galaxy On Fire series because that’s the first thing I thought of while playing this. If you’ve played any game of that series, imagine that being made into an open world, multiplayer legendary AAA title. That’s what this game has become in 2023.

    It’s a must buy in my opinion, one for the books and the 50% off deal is an absolute steal.

    • BruceTwarzen
      110 months ago

      I bought it two or so years ago when they fixed a lot of things and felt compelled to award their efforts and paid full price i think. I have hardly played it until last week and i’m like 30 hours in. This game is filled to the brim with stuff and content. I have hardly done a main mission and i don’t even know if i want to or should.
      The only negative part about the game that i could think off is that the multiplayer is pretty wonky

  • @tory@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Returned Starfield after an hour and a half of no fun. Been playing No Man’s Sky all week. It’s really good, they’ve just kept adding content to this game for years. It’s still the same old NMS game at heart, but there’s new things to explore and do, new quests and items. I’m enjoying it more than Starfield, which felt very much like a poor imitation with Bethesda assets.

    • MeanEYE
      -610 months ago

      I’ve seen people say game gets fun after 10 or so hours and to that I say really? Do you all go to movie theater 10h before movie starts?

      • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
        710 months ago

        A game isn’t a movie. You know this, right? It’s important that you know this.

        • @Erk@cdda.social
          210 months ago

          Yeah, recommending starfield can feel a bit like recommending a show that gets going halfway through the first season.

        • @uranibaba@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          Game of Thrones is a perfect example. I was told it gets really good after a few seasons. I’m not going to endure the first few seasons because it might be good after.

      • Kras Mazov
        310 months ago

        I’m 5-6 hours in playing with a friend and for us at least it has been pretty fun. We got to build some simple bases and fight some pirates so far alongside doing a few upgrades on our mining guns and suits.

        You can give a try and refund it easily on PC if you don’t end liking it, it’s also available on Gamepass if you don’t want to buy it.

        • MeanEYE
          310 months ago

          To quote Jim Sterling… “getting your asshole sewn shut is more fun with friends, but that doesn’t mean people should do it”. And I have no doubt people have fun with the game. I just saw people on forums say fun starts at hour 10+, which I found to be stupid excuse. It should be fun, period. If you are having fun, more power to you. In the end that’s all that matters.

          • @Erk@cdda.social
            10 months ago

            I also started having fun right away. The reason people say it starts slow is that the game doesn’t expose you to every aspect of play right away, for reasons both good (it would be a lot to take in) and bad (the game has some sort of allergy to showing you its cool systems and seems to expect you to learn them from wikis instead). So, when people tell me they’re not having a good time, I often check that they got to these systems in the main quest before haring off to do side quests without realizing they hadn’t encountered key features.

            This is a flaw in the game, but the flaw isn’t “the game is boring”, it’s “the game lacks an adequate tutorial”. It’s still not for everyone but a lot of the people I talked to were pretty happy once they learned they were missing bits.

          • Kras Mazov
            210 months ago

            Sure, but just because some people think the fun starts at 10+ hours doesn’t mean it’s true, just that it’s true for them. My point was just to show that my experience has been different from that.

            Ultimately trying it out yourself is the only way of knowing if you’ll like it or not, unless you already did, in which case, fair enough.

  • @BURN@lemmy.world
    410 months ago

    I didn’t end up buying starfield since I know I won’t finish a Bethesda game and have been finally trying NMS out a few years after I bought it. It’s scratching the space exploration itch quite well.

  • @markon@lemmy.world
    310 months ago

    I think I am going to play some too. Starfield looks like mostly a flop so I won’t even buy it.

      • @Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
        110 months ago

        I wouldn’t call Starfield a failure, but it’s still Bethesda. Better off waiting for major bugs to be patched and the community mods to mature.

        • @PM_ME_FEET_PICS@sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          I never played a Bethesda game with mods right away. The games are generally best played vanilla first and modded on the second playthrough.

          Also, there are far fewer bugs in this game than any other Bethesda game before it. As far as I am aware, none that are game breaking.

      • BruceTwarzen
        010 months ago

        That doesn’t make the game good. If you like Bethesda jank and want to award their laziness, it’s honestly a great game.

      • @Erk@cdda.social
        210 months ago

        it seems like it’s a little bit more than April? Doesn’t mean it isn’t the biggest in a few years, but it’s not like it’s head and shoulders above. August and July look like they were fairly slow months so the gain in the 30 day average is kind of a skewed stat when the article’s talking about it being special int he span of years.

      • @UpsKaputt@discuss.tchncs.de
        110 months ago

        Since they linked to the steam charts themselves I assumed they were talking about concurrent players. But maybe they were, I just thought it wasn’t significant

  • BarterClub
    310 months ago

    Been playing it and finished the old story. Now onto other things.

    • BruceTwarzen
      110 months ago

      Is the story worth playing? I play for a week and always find new things that distract me.

    • @TotesIllegit@lemmy.world
      610 months ago

      I’m in my 30s and just played a 15-year-old fan remake of the first episode of Doom, which itself came out in 1993. Yesterday, I just started playing a fan demake of that remake which was released November of 2022. I’ve also waited over a decade for Skyblivion, and waited for the FF7 remake to hit PCs before playing.

      It gets easier to wait when you feel time pass by faster, and sometimes oldies act as comfort food.

    • @1984
      210 months ago

      My kid is 18 and he feels like tv series older than 3 years are also ancient.

      Something about being that age I think.

      • BruceTwarzen
        110 months ago

        For me it’s the opposite. I see a movie from 2001 and think: oh, what’s this new movie.

        • @1984
          10 months ago

          You have good taste :) Movies from back then are better than today’s movies in my opinion but they are often slower so may make you feel impatient. :)