While attempting to stack another brick around the assembly, Daghlian accidentally dropped it onto the core and thereby caused the core to go well into supercriticality, a self-sustaining critical chain reaction. He quickly moved the brick off the assembly, but received a fatal dose of radiation. He died 25 days later from acute [radiation poisoning].
Holy shit and I’m still scared to drop shit into a pot of oil
I solved the first part of the problem by sticking a stick up execs assess, now I just need to figure out the oil logistics, … and also why got a promotion.
Holy shit and I’m still scared to drop shit into a pot of oil
I’m not one to kink-shame, but why are you shitting in a pot of oil in the first place?
If you know of a better way to make the freshest fried shit-on-a-stick, the entire industry is all ears.
Mainly due to severe oil burns, but the execs are sensitive, so we don’t bring it up around them.
I solved the first part of the problem by sticking a stick up execs assess, now I just need to figure out the oil logistics, … and also why got a promotion.