• @Seasm0ke@lemmy.world
    12 months ago

    Maybe its just more impressive from your perspective, where everything would eventually be perfect if people just checked the same box you do.

      • @Seasm0ke@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        Thats why im probably going to check the Claudia De LA Cruz box but im still not sure tbh. Maybe if more people vote their conscience the DNC will try and earn my vote or run a candidate I believe in and have a fair chance to select, but so far I dont think these boxes change a damn thing.

        The guy in office even told me nothing will fundamentally change when he took over from trump and he was right, so im not going to place too much importance on the boxes and start focusing on things I believe in. Like food not bombs, peoples city council, and my local tenant Union.

        • Oblivious. The stakes this election are beyond. You have a supreme court that is funneling power to the executive and the GOP is openly advertising their plan for christo-fascism. Why I even bother, if it hasn’t gotten through to you by now you’ll remain oblivious.