As the title states, working towards tomorrow feels like there’s no off days. Any advice?

My specific industry is web based so hours in don’t always equal positive reinforcement out

  • LazaroFilm
    211 months ago

    Think of it like a marathon. You can’t run an endurance run without taking care of your body. That involves maintenance. Taking a day off, taking a break, taking care of yourself is part of you going the distance. Also, break down your main goal into smaller, more attainable goals. And put breaks between those smaller goals.

      • LazaroFilm
        111 months ago

        Start by writing down your main goal. Try to make it as concise as possible (use a pencil, it’s easier to feel it less permanent). Then put bullet points under on what it consists of. What steps you need to do (doesn’t matter the order). Then when you’re done, stand up, stretch, and go for a walk. Yoo already did a lot and deserve a reward for yourself.

        Also I think of tasks as adult points. When you have enough adult points you can spend them towards something for yourself. (A break, a movie, a walk, a desert, whatever you want). Like that it gives you a motivation to work and a good reason to relax without guilt.