site’s back, time to party niko-dance

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    42 months ago

    yeah, it’s not like a Big Thing for me like i’m not constantly seeking out punishing platformers and stuff… but now and again a mechanically punishing game will just grab and hold my attention. It’s a weird mindset i get in from time to time i guess lol. Yeah sekiro is very different to the other titles in that mechanical skill/reactions is definitely more of a core thing that’s needed to beat (most of) the bosses. Some can still be cheesed in certain ways (and you better believe I used those cheeses when they were available), but it’s definitely difficult in a more specific, closed-off, rigid way than its sibling games. understandable that it’s not for everyone. and it’s the only from game i haven’t gone back to replay, hehe. but i did get a lot out of it when i was in that sicko mindset.

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      42 months ago

      I like Sekiro and I am gonna go back to it, sometime. One of the issues I have is I’ve got a PS4 copy, and FromSoft games have the worst fucking framepacing, which makes parry timing at 30fps really tough. I gotta get on PC and go sicko mode sicko-yes

      • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
        2 months ago

        yeah i found ds3 really challenging on ps4, imagine sekiro is even worse. i recommend you do give it another shot on PC sometime! i definitely bounced off it a couple of times before it clicked for me, i was way too souls-brained going in. i think i even had a patcher installed to run it at 144fps lol sicko-yes