• Diplomjodler
    372 months ago

    Guess why they’re working so hard to criminalise poverty. Those private prisons won’t fill themselves. And North Korea probably still has more prisoners by percentage of the population. Can’t let these filthy commies win!

    • @Krono
      222 months ago

      The US retains its status as the World’s No.1 Jailer with a prison population of 713 per 100,000 population, more than even any of the world’s most notorious and oppressive regimes like Myanmar (120 per 100,000 population), Cuba (510 per 100,000 population), and Iran (333 per 100,000). The only country that might challenge the US as the world’s No. 1 jailer is North Korea. Although information is limited, North Korea’s incarceration rate is estimated to be between 600-800 per 100,000 population.

      Thanks to the Drug War, the US Incarcerates More of Its Own People Than Any Country in the World Except Maybe N. Korea