A friendly reminder that isps do NOT care about you or your digital rights. Always best to buy directly from the OEM rather than from the telecommunications (unless you can’t afford it). Do proper research before buying a phone!

  • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
    12 months ago

    A phone is just not as good as a computer for anything except taking pictures, sending messages, and being portable. So if I’m at home where my computers are I only use a computer for anything online, except messaging. Having to do everything on a phone sounds horrible to me.

    • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I have a computer (several, in fact) still. I’m just saying that people on Lemmy seem to have no issues with people spending over 2k building themselves a premium desktop PC they use a few times a week, but balk at someone spending over $500 on the device they carry with them all the time.

      And unless you’re gaming or using specific PC applications, a phone with an external desktop interface (like a Samsung) hooked up to a monitor with a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard does 99.9% of what you need.

      I can browse the web, write emails, use Office, and more just as well with my phone and a monitor as with my laptop o lr desktop computers.

      I can’t use photoshop, blender, ArcGIS, etc so I still need computers, but for everything else the phone is great.