Which folders and files do I need to exclude from TimeShift?

Also is there a way to also exclude programs installed as .deb ?

I doing this to reduce Backup size as I have limited storage.

100GB - Windows 11
400GB - Storage
400GB - Mint
100GB - TimeShift
  • @gpstarmanOP
    13 days ago

    there are tools that are much more robust and configurable for keeping files safe and elsewhere.

    But AFAIK, Only Pika Backup has intuitive GUI. And It’s auto backup doen’t work on Mint 21.3 cause of some old packge. So I sticked to TimeShift.

    • NaN
      23 days ago

      Vorta, Deja Dup (duplicity), duplicati are some others.

      • @gpstarmanOP
        13 days ago

        All of utilities you suggested are awesome.

        Which one do you suggest? And why?