• @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
    107 days ago

    What a shit take when so much is at stake for so many people. Stop being selfish man. Do this for those that ABSOLUTELY will suffer under Trump.

    Or be blamed for everthing he does.

    • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      So if you want to protect these people then you absolutely would want a younger, more electable candidate to beat trump, right?

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        46 days ago

        This logical fallacy is called “Denying the Correlative”. It’s basically the opposite of a False Dilemma. In this electoral system, there are two statistically relevant choices: supporting Biden OR supporting Trump. Right-wing voters are consistent, making voting third-party or withholding one’s vote mathematically equivalent to supporting Trump.

        It sucks and it’s bullshit but disliking reality does not make it any less true.

        • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
          06 days ago

          You are just plain old dead wrong, and the one pushing a fallacy (i.e.fakse dichotomy) is you. The THIRD and most logical and reasonable choice is for Biden to step aside and let a viable candidate represent the Democrats.

          I cant help but notice that you and the other guy keep deliberately avoiding that one.

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            6 days ago

            I don’t have the power to control someone else’s actions, just my own. If you do have the ability, you certainly could help quite a bit. However, for myself and any other human that I’ve interacted with in my life, the choice is binary in this. It’s a FPTP system and the far-right winning would be unlikely to lead to anything but increased levels of suffering.

            • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
              15 days ago

              And they definitely have an astronomically higher chance of winning with Biden at the top of the ticket. I notice you ignored that part entirely.

              • nickwitha_k (he/him)
                15 days ago

                I notice you ignored that part entirely.

                Erm what?..

                I don’t recall you mentioning that, apologies if I missed it. My main point has been that, unless things change, there are literally two choices under the electoral system that is available.

                Can we try to pressure the DNC? Yes. Is replacing Biden on the ballot or an option that most voters can choose? No. Political parties in the US are considered private entities with no obligation to pay attention to voters.

      • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
        67 days ago

        Okay, we’re doing this?

        What a shit take when so much is at stake for so many people. Stop being selfish man. Do this for those that ABSOLUTELY will suffer under Trump. Or be blamed for everthing he does.

        • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
          -37 days ago

          You really are going full obtuse here, huh? You dont understand what’s at stake at all, do you? Biden failed miserably at THE ONE FUCKING JOB HE DELIBERATELY SET THIS DEBATE UP TO DO. Everyone saw it. EVERYONE.

          • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
            7 days ago

            Right… and not voting is getting new and improved and faster genocide- and a fuck-ton more of it. Talk about full-obtuse. Is that what you really wan bigger and better genocide? I’m pretty sure we both know the answer.

            It’s pretty clear what you’re up to.

              • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                7 days ago

                I did.

                It’s what this entire discussion is about. You see, despite your weak attempts to distract from the point, I stayed on it the entire time. And just so you know for future reference in the even that you’d like to try it again, I am used to discussing these topics with people that like to build straw men.

                And tell me, how would I be a Putin bot if I’m fighting to negate the fake “far left” troll’s that are urging people to not vote against their interests? I’m pretty certain you won’t find any “Putin bots” that are urging people to vote against Trump.

                You seem to be all over the place here. Maybe collect your stuff, leave, and return when you can put together a coherent and streamlined argument.

                • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
                  26 days ago

                  You are a Putin bot for deliberately trying to steer the subject towards keeping a beatable candidate for trump instead of acknowledging that the problem isnt about voting, not voting or third parties. This is about having a viable candidate and JOE BIDEN IS NOT A VIABLE CANDIDATE. HE IS NOT. This is at best a continuation of the Democrat strategy of “keep us in power and linked in with the money or ELSE…”