• @Paradachshund
    1022 days ago

    The craziest thing to me are the places that have steadily raised the percentages for the default buttons. It’s a percentage, it already accounts for inflation automatically 😑

    • @TheFriar@lemm.ee
      110 hours ago

      A bunch of grocery stores have also eliminated the “bagger” job, leaving you to do it yourself, but then also ask for a tip! Store cut costs by paying their employees shit, heaping more work on them, and then asking you to give their poor ass employees some money. Give them the money you saved on eliminating the bag people!

    • @Alteon@lemmy.world
      392 days ago

      I just hit no tip and say thanks! And walk out. It’s not difficult.

      What are they going to do? Make a scene? I pray they would.

      I’m sorry, you tell me what fucking service I’m tipping you for? Do you tip your plumber? Do you tip the attendant at a roller coaster at a theme park? Do you tip front desk attendant at a hotel? No…pray tell, why do you think you need a tip for pouring me two-hour old hot bean water? Did you grind it by hand at my request? Did you personally see to it that I received only the very best beans at ye Starbucks roasteries? No? Then fuck off.

    • @greenskye@lemm.ee
      142 days ago

      Yes! A 15% tip in 1980 should still be a 15% tip today. Not this 20-25% madness that they try to keep pushing.