• Call me Lenny/Leni
    175 days ago

    There are places where I have such a negative reputation (for a mixture of things that are non-issues and things out of my control) that I can mess up my chances simply by mentioning who I am. I’ve been told before things like “good work girl, we’d love to have you, what’s your name” and I respond and they’re like “WHAT?!? Oh would you look at that, my biscuits are burning!” and I never see them again.

    • @1984
      105 days ago

      You are Hillary Clinton?

      • Call me Lenny/Leni
        25 days ago

        Worse I’m afraid. If we were going by a ratio of people who don’t mind me versus people who do, trading places with her would sound attractive as an idea.

        • @1984
          34 days ago

          Yeah. It can be seriously annoying to have people judge you for who you were once, or maybe never was even. Often other people’s perceptions are not accurate descriptions of who any of us really are.

          It’s just life I guess.