• @Bobmighty@lemmy.world
    1421 days ago

    Homophobia is the reason some queer people self hate so goddamn much they lash out at all queer people while the original homophobes cheer it on. Also, some people are just awful, terrible monsters regardless of their sexuality.

    • Flying Squid
      621 days ago

      Sure, there are self-hating people of all sorts of marginalized groups, but queer people are the only ones who get regularly talked about as if the people who oppress them are also queer.

      You don’t hear about Muslims being oppressed by secret Muslims.

      I cannot provide evidence for this, obviously, but it would seem to me that most bigots are bigots because they’re bigoted, not because they’re secretly the thing they’re bigoted against.

      • @alsimoneau@lemmy.ca
        821 days ago

        Religion isn’t something intrinsic about a person. If you hate the fact that you’re a Muslim, you can opt out.

        You cannot opt out being queer.

        • Flying Squid
          021 days ago

          Okay then, you don’t hear about white bigots being secretly light-skinned black people. Pick whatever group you want. Queer people are the only one I can think of where it’s regularly claimed that the people bigoted against them are themselves the people they are bigoted against.

            • @exanime
              -521 days ago

              Again people don’t choose disabilities

          • @nomous@lemmy.world
            020 days ago

            Nah it’s a tale as old as time, we used to call it “the one who smelt it dealt it” but the principle is the same. The most fervent and vocal are often just trying to cover their own asses.

            • Flying Squid
              320 days ago

              Can you name another example where bigotry against a traditionally marginalized minority is virtually always claimed to be coming from that minority?

              • @nomous@lemmy.world
                20 days ago

                I don’t care to sit here all day thinking about it and I’m not sure I agree with that characterization anyway, it seems like you’re just looking for a fight honestly.

                Do you understand what I’m saying though, are you familiar with the phrase? Another is “when you point the finger at someone you have three pointed back at you.” It’s a fairly common bit of folk wisdom.

                • Flying Squid
                  220 days ago

                  I understand what you’re saying, I just don’t agree with your analogy where you equate suggesting all homophobes are secretly gay with accusing someone of farting.

                  • @nomous@lemmy.world
                    020 days ago

                    How about “when you point the finger at someone you have three pointed back at you” is that better?

                    If you’re in a room full of people, and you “lose” something, the person that helps look for it the most, the one who won’t give up and is very curious about where your item “went” is the thief.

      • @exanime
        -121 days ago

        Sure, there are self-hating people of all sorts of marginalized groups, but queer people are the only ones who get regularly talked about as if the people who oppress them are also queer.

        Not true, pedophiles often fall in this category and there is even more evidence of this to justify correlation

        • Flying Squid
          221 days ago

          Sorry, you’re saying that people who hate pedophiles are themselves pedophiles?

          • @exanime
            -221 days ago

            Not at all… and looking at the rest of your comments I don’t really know what you are fishing for but I don’t want to play your game

            • Flying Squid
              321 days ago

              I’m not “fishing for” anything. Please don’t make ridiculous accusations about me. If that isn’t what you meant, what did you mean?