Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.

    7622 days ago

    Veteran here. Donald Trump fucking hates ‘the troops’. The number of active duty and prior service who still (or ever) support that anti-American shit stain blows my mind.

    Here’s some light reading - this list is WAY outdated at this point, so feel free to contribute some more links in the comments. These are examples of things he’s done specifically to attack the US military / veterans:

        4522 days ago

        It’s so fuckin’ funny how his apologists will ignore a mile-high stack of his personal deficits to point to a solitary instance of someone in his administration making a humane decision and attributing that to the most selfish prick who has ever ascended to the presidency.

        Just ROFL.

          -3722 days ago

          I’m not an apologist. Show me, directly from the horse’s mouth what Trump said. I searched for it, but it’s all about the accusation made about Trump making a statement.

                  -2222 days ago

                  There’s a difference between disrespecting a specific person, which I don’t agree with vs disrespecting dead servicemen and women.

                  If anyone can provide the proof from the horse’s mouth that’d be great. Otherwise all I’m seeing is a rumor and we’re all supposed to believe it, blindfully. I don’t roll that way.

                    22 days ago

                    I like people who weren’t captured.

                    McCain wasn’t the only one he was denigrating there.

                    I’ll make it easy for you: if he was insulting Obama and said “I like people who aren’t black,” then would be specifically insulting the former president, but also black people in general.

                    Can you follow now? Or does your intentional obtuseness preclude that?

            1122 days ago

            They never found a direction from Hitler setting up the death camps for the final solution. By your reckoning he wasn’t responsible.

            In courts of law, a first person testimony is considered evidence. Quite a few people have heard Trump say these things.

          • Tarquinn2049
            922 days ago

            The thing is, most people wouldn’t lie about this sort of thing. Or even be capable of making it up. Our minds just don’t work this way. If any of this was incongruent from what we already publicly see from him, it would be harder to believe. But it exactly follows every other “hot mic” situation he has had so far. It’s not like we’re taking it on faith that some otherwise completely upstanding citizen is rumored to have done one terrible thing behind closed doors. Even if it turns out this specific thing isn’t one of the things he said, he has said worse anyway, and not even behind closed doors. This would just pile on to an already disgusting pile of terrible things to say about people.

              22 days ago

              Our minds don’t work this way? LMAO I’m done. Literally Youtube will destroy this argument. So yeah, I don’t just accept everything at face value. It’s just one person’s word vs the other in this story.

      • TheRealKuni
        3322 days ago

        Ah yes, of course, doing something right obviously means none of the wrong happened.

        522 days ago

        Just block, don’t argue. A person who would post this while ignoring everything he’s said in public, and then force you to debate them on whether he ever said anything in public? That’s not good faith. Block. This is not a person you want to talk to.

        322 days ago

        Hmmm… A department of Justice press release written in 2021 praising a current administration effort. Sounds like something that must be 100% factual and not written for any other reason than pure truthiness.