A California company is advertising ‘tactical response’ Tesla Cybertruck upgrades for police cruisers, including shotgun racks and sirens.

  • @exanime
    104 months ago

    Well, basically all Elon does derives a ton of money from the government…

    The cybertruck is objectively bad, I see no reason that car would be selected for police use which makes me think the “invisible” hand of the market (ahem, lobbying, bribing, etc) was involved

    • @AA5B@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I see no reason that car would be selected

      Then shouldn’t your objection be with whoever did the selecting?

      • @exanime
        34 months ago

        I’ve seen too many times when the people doing the selecting do a good job just to be overridden by the paid-for bureaucrat

        But I’m just spitballing here, I have no evidence other than then strong doubt these cars could perform any regular job (they seem to be a poorly planned novelty item)

        • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
          24 months ago

          look they’ll do fine as long as they have a fleet of ford pickups to pull them out of mud puddles.