Sounds easy? Well, it should have been. I’m not talking about a “Hello, World!” (although it is more or less on the same level for me). The goal was to write a set of three MQTT clients that properly talk with each other and interact nicely.

So I had to learn Python and MQTT on the same day. Should not be an issue after 40 years of programming. But it quickly turned out that the Python library/package for MQTT on Ubuntu was heavily outdated (1.6), and did not supply all the functions the documentation and examples (2.0) asked for. Using pip3 didn’t work, as it complained that the package structure was maintained by the OS. In the end, I had to virtualize the python3 system and pip3 the 2.0 package there and run it.

After about three hours, I had the clients working as they should. Yes, I think MQTT is a good base for the next project.

  • That just sounds like a normal Linux session to me. I recently barely stumbled my way through using file pointers as the pins for my simple bbb project.

    • @Treczoks@lemmy.worldOP
      44 months ago

      Well, in my professional tasks, I have smoothed out about all trouble spots long ago. So having two new fields at once to work on and deal with their teething problems reminded me of times long ago.