What are you all playing? I’ve been trying out the slay the spire downfall mod a bit. Got some wins with the new characters. A lot of fun!

  • Berttheduck
    228 days ago

    I wanted to love Quantum Break so much but it was just a buggy mess on my pc, I spent hours messing with settings but it just wouldn’t run smoothly. I still managed to push through to mission 4 or so. Maybe I’ll give it another go.

    • comicallycluttered
      227 days ago

      Lol, it was buggy as fuck for me as well, so I “downloaded” another build and it worked perfectly.

      The Game Pass version is especially bad in this regard.

    • Ah damn, I know how you feel! Alan Wake remaster kept going black screen every few seconds for me and the only way to fix it was to pause it for a few seconds every time so I had to give up.

      Maybe updated drivers or something could have fixed the bugs since then, I definitely recommend checking it out again for a fun linear single player game that doesn’t take weeks to finish