• Mexico City could run out of drinking water by June 26, an event locals call “Day Zero.”
  • Three years of low rainfall and high temperatures have worsened the city’s water crisis.
  • The Cutzamala water system, which provides water to millions, operates now at 28% capacity.
  • @FiniteBanjo
    4 months ago

    Oh for sure, I’ve been advocating AI have to cover their own power as if it weren’t subsidized by the government. We could just turn it off and that would be cool with me. I want it to be well known that this was my stance long before the water issues.

      • @FiniteBanjo
        4 months ago

        They “foot the bill” capische? The cost goes to them. They pay money equivalent to the true cost of the goods they consume, above the rate at which a regular citizen pays for a good produced under a system of government subsidy and/or control.