Cue the “Violation of muh rights”

  • Endorkend
    121 month ago

    I think it was when she boarding her flight from the Netherlands to UK.

      • Echo Dot
        31 month ago

        In England you can find weed by smell. Technically it’s against the law to own it but the police never do anything about it because they don’t care.

        • I know it is easy to find there. Most of the world puts it on the same level as alcohol, which is more dangerous. I just dont umderstand the need to risk it. Hell if you cant go a few days without then you may have issues and need to seek help.

          • Echo Dot
            01 month ago

            Alcohol addiction is definitely dangerous.

            Marijuana addiction tends to just be from people who lack any sort of personality and so taking drugs becomes the entirety of their personality. I’m sure you can get addicted to marijuana, but I think most people who claim to have an addiction are really just idiots with nothing better to do.

            Like my roommate at university.

              11 month ago

              I think its more useful to say you can get addicted using marijuana. As its not the substance that is addictive, like nicotine or opiods, but the behavior is the addiction