• Llituro [he/him, they/them]
        261 month ago

        i spent like 6 hours yesterday reinstalling my os because a power outage rawdogged my filesystem in an unrecoverable way. the love hate relationship is inevitable.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          141 month ago

          I spent most of the evening trying to figure out how to covert a .dds format imagine to a .xbm format imagine, which is exactly the same format except cpdr changed something and redengine can’t read .dds

          What was wrong? Why didn’t it work the first time? Well i put the wrong right .dll in the plugins folder instead of the identical right right .dll

          Like, idk, four hours of my life right there, and the solution was buried in some discord thread about how to make your character’s cyberdick glow in the dark.

      • PeeOnYou [he/him]
        1 month ago

        I’m not a programmer, but I’ve been in tech most of my life and i fucking hate computers and i wish i had any other skill whatsoever to utilize to get the fuck out of this hellish industry

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      171 month ago

      I think it is more boring and stupid. The tech industry has engineers and scientists who builds stuff but the executive controlling it, the public using it and politicians regulating it insists to believe that a magic genie lives inside the computer.

      Sometimes the genie is benevolent and can fix the economy, answer all your questions with absolute certainty, fix every social problem and rid you of the burden of having to enploy people to do stuff. Other times the genie is evil and he will tell the evil SeeSeePee everything about you and let Russia decide the outcome of the election.

      But in any case the computer is magic and has unlimited abilities.