• CrazyEddie041
    -21 month ago

    For what it’s worth, I totally agree. We’ve "lesser evil"ed our way into voting for genocide, the greatest evil. Sorry that things are going to get worse under Trump, but there is a 0% chance that I vote for either of the genocide candidates, even if one is worse than the other. Democrats will have to lose elections until they field an anti-genocide candidate for the presidency (I can’t believe that’s a qualification now).

    • archomrade [he/him]OP
      -41 month ago

      Democrats will have to lose elections until they field an anti-genocide candidate for the presidency (I can’t believe that’s a qualification now)

      Everyone here feigning outrage are pretending as if the democrats don’t have a huge turnout problem this year, and I’m worried they have no interest in advocating to fix that problem except rhetorically dancing around their candidate’s hugely unpopular policies