• @orcrist@lemm.ee
    11 month ago

    Class warfare is a serious issue, but I’m not seeing the huge threat that emerges from wealthy people having guns when less wealthy people don’t, because the police are already going to support the wealthy people.

    If you want to talk about class warfare, let’s talk about wage theft. Let’s talk about taxing the rich. Let’s talk about universal health care. Let’s talk about inheritance tax and systemic racism. In other words, let’s talk about the big ticket items, not a $200 gun.

    • @bluewing@lemm.ee
      01 month ago

      If you intend to “Eat the Rich” and prevent wage theft, you will need more than a cardboard sign. Even Tankies understand that to defeat the rich you need more than slogans.

      • @orcrist@lemm.ee
        11 month ago

        So let me get this straight. You think that if guns are taxed more, all of those poor people in California who are getting ready to violently overthrow the state and national government will be unable to do so. I’m curious when exactly you think they are going to do this. I’m also curious why you think that if they’re going to overthrow the government, they will be incapable of looting a gun shop in order to get their weapons.