I have a particular bone to pick with Vinyl. They charge top dollar for a player with all the bells and whistles, from hundreds to thousands of USD, and then they charge you $50 for a PVC plastic disk, and all so you can listen to unarguably worse quality sound than any MP3. The disk’s height is a physical constraint that limits the range of frequency it can put out, so it’s always “squished” sound.
It’s all a lie, people are buying a massive lie that it sound better when it just doesn’t.
I have a particular bone to pick with Vinyl. They charge top dollar for a player with all the bells and whistles, from hundreds to thousands of USD, and then they charge you $50 for a PVC plastic disk, and all so you can listen to unarguably worse quality sound than any MP3. The disk’s height is a physical constraint that limits the range of frequency it can put out, so it’s always “squished” sound.
It’s all a lie, people are buying a massive lie that it sound better when it just doesn’t.