Yes I am actually an OG Star Wars nerd. I saw the release of “New Hope” in the theater on opening weekend with my Dad. We’ve actually seen every SW movie in the theater together. Yes all of them.

Anyway I’m a new Admin here at and asked me to introduce myself so here goes.

As a GenX my ‘online’ experience started back in the mid-80s using my Commodore to dial into BBSs then it was BBSs on my custom built 286 (Computer Shopper FTW!) By the early-90s I was running rampant on CompuServ using my Tandy 386, in the mid '90s it was AOL on my IBM Aptiva, and by the late 90s it was ISP connections on my custom built Pentium II PCs.

Along the way I’ve participated in the rise, fall, and replacement of all the Operating Systems, Applications, Forums, and Aggregators that the last four decades have had to offer. (Dammit I’m old!)

Like many Lemmy users I left escaped Reddit last summer when they started seriously enshittifying the site in the IPO runup. I was actully on first but ended up here after they had too much downtime and too many defederations. I like it here, it’s a fast and fairly open instance with very little drama.

Speaking of admin / mod styles mine is “Digital Janitor” and I really try to be as no/low drama as possible in that role. I’m here to to keep this instance functional, federated, and the content in line with whatever policies mrmanger or a community sets for itself. I clean up after spammers, remove objectionable or illegal content, and help with user management. That’s pretty much it. I’m simply not interested in the power tripping rot that seems to infect so many Admins / Mods.

I ended up as Admin through an offer to help mrmanager when some other instances were threatening to defederate us due to spam and content problems. In the thread where it was being discussed I offered to lend a hand and the next thing I knew I had a red “A” next to my name! (I’m joking, they did actually ask me first and I took a couple of days to think about it before I agreed.)

I’m around quite a bit so if you run into something that needs attention feel free to reach out. 🙂

  • BuelldozerOPA
    9 months ago

    I no longer have my Buells. I loved them while I did and will be pissed off at Harley-Davidson until the day I die over what they did.

    My username though was taken from a lost to the internet forum where a Buell Pilot, not me, got hooched up at a party and rode his X1 in his back door and then out through the front wall of his house!

    The post had pictures of the destruction and someone in that thread commented with the portmanteau “Buelldozer” (Buell + bulldozer).

    The more you know.