• @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
    122 months ago

    Calling attention to this type of shit as a reason to suggest Biden shouldn’t be elected is about as bad faith as it can get. OP has been asked- of the third party candidates, who could beat Trump? They predictably had no response. But if this makes Biden unelectable, they’d better hope that their throwaway choice has never made a mistake in their lives- otherwise, admit this is just another attempt to skew the outcome in their favor. And if they have such a hate boner for Biden, what do you think it could be.

    Lastly, It’s always good to see this stuff called out for what it is. I have hope that maybe lemmy won’t turn into a right-wing or far-left propaganda platform after all. Democrats aren’t putting up their best option- and haven’t in a long time, but pushing a non-vote or throwaway vote agenda at this time in our lives with everthing at stake is quite possibly the dumbest thing one could possibly do.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      -222 months ago

      I have hope that maybe lemmy won’t turn into a right-wing or far-left propaganda platform after all.

      Ah, yes. The centrist. Defender of the status quo.

      • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        72 months ago

        ROFL… okay man. This is hopeless. Keep posting your propaganda. We’ll keep calling it out. Come November, if Trump wins- you’re going to vanish from here and resurface as an anonymous victim of your own actions. And we won’t have to deal with you…

        If Biden wins, we’ll be too busy celebrating not becoming a dictatorship to listen to anything you’re going to whine about- and we won’t have to deal with you.

        Until then, keep posting your hit-pieces. I’m loving watching it get methodically picked apart.

        • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          If Trump wins, it was all your fault!!!

          If Biden wins, we didn’t need you!!!

          K. Blue MAGA gonna Blue MAGA.

          • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            If Trump wins, it could end up partially being your fault. From the third party votes to the pouting at home non votes. Yes. Depending on the margin of loss- you might be entirely responsible for the outcome.

            If Biden wins. No- we didn’t need you. Because that’s how it works. Do you not understand that no one can know right now what the outcome is going to be? OF COURSE your votes are needed now- but if he wis without them, then…. Yes- we didn’t need you.

            And this whole “blue Maga” insult of yours just makes you look like a foolish and clueless teenager to everyone.