• @eran_morad@lemmy.world
    202 months ago

    Well, that’s it, i guess i should vote for the asscunt who wants to end American democracy. Thanks, OP, for opening my eyes to this.

    • @theareciboincident@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 months ago

      Yeah it’d be crazy if peaceful protests were violently attacked by right wing terrorists and the cops just joined in on the beatings

      If the Supreme Court started ignoring precedent, which they stated under oath they would not do, and started saying cases have standing even if the damaged entity literally is a hypothetical that has never happened

      If the largest union action in this generation was stomped down and made to heel

      If a violent mob literally stormed the capital while Congress was in session certifying an election and were not all prosecuted as domestic terrorists and hanged, under the most advanced security state in the world that knows exactly who was there using cellular pings

      Let me guess, you’re going to say the same thing in 2028 except all these things will have gotten worse and if we just hold our noses and tolerate it one more time the Blues will fix it all, just like they did in 2020 and 2012 and 2008 and 1992 and……….

      • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        And what exactly did you do in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023?

        Because political activism doesn’t change shit if you only complain about it online every four years.

        Want to disagree? Call me a liar?

        Check any social media site during those years and let me know how strongly your little socialist movements were.

        Want change? DO THE WORK.

    • Verdant Banana
      -32 months ago

      article is clearly saying neither of the candidates should have been on the ballot

        • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
          -172 months ago

          I don’t vote for genociders. I morally can’t vote for Biden for his other failures also. I’m voting third party.

          • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            So you’re basically admitting to throwing away your vote. You were asked, by me- who can beat Trump if not Biden?

            You had NO answer.

            So you’re going to vote for someone that cannot win- ON PURPOSE.

            Understand that if you throw away your vote- someone is still getting elected. Your little ignorant grass roots ideological movement is irrelevant to them. You’re already canceled out and not counted. They KNOW they can count on SJWs to not vote. It happens every election year. So your decision to pout and throw a tantrum over a single issue is entirely relevant.

            But a vote can cancel out the opposition and allow those that actually want to keep democracy going a chance to continue.

            But you people want to come in a fuck everything for everyone every four years anyway, despite what I said being true. And just like every election- you’ll vanish when the time comes to take responsibility for what you’ve done.

            Every single one of you will disappear from lemmy and resurface as innocent victims when the time comes.

            Every election year. Same fucking thing.

            • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
              -102 months ago

              yawn same screamers every election. It’s up to the party to put up somebody that can fight and win. Biden ain’t it for me. That’s democracy. I can vote for whoever I want or not vote.

              • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                42 months ago

                You absolutely can. And for now, I’m allowed to call you out for being ignorant. But your ignorance just might cause America to become a dictatorship. And when that happens-

                You WILL vote for who they tell you to vote.

                  • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                    2 months ago

                    What a tired and ignorant trope to keep peddling. Dude. I wasn’t as bad as you when I was young, but I was down with a lot of it. Then I grew up and learned nuance. You really need to trust people when they tell you that you have it all wrong.

                    Be humble. You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not as easy as you want it to be, and you need to understand the nuance of how things work. You’re not being downvoted into oblivion for no reason.

            • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
              -132 months ago

              Meh. I’ve stated on here many times…

              1. I hate Trump and Biden.
              2. I’m voting third party.
              3. I’m not a Democrat.
              • @eran_morad@lemmy.world
                42 months ago

                You want to shoot yourself in the dick, that’s cool, IDGAF. You expect people to care about an inconsequential error made in speaking, as if we’re all light thinkers, and join you in dick-shooting? Nah, feck off.

                • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
                  -92 months ago

                  Just documenting the election cycle by posting political articles in the political sub. You don’t have to read it if it upsets you.

                  • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                    02 months ago

                    Everyone knows that’s not what you’re doing. You know that’s not what you’re doing.

                    But please, do go on with the pageantry. It’s at least entertaining.

              • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                32 months ago

                Voting 3rd party throws away your vote. Every state is going to either Biden or Trump. Period. There is no viable 3rd party.

                So you can put your vote to Biden, or you can help out the guy facing 88 felony charges, wants a war with Mexico, and through Project 2025 would establish an authoritarian state unheard of in American history.

                • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                  32 months ago

                  He’s also bashing Biden for withholding arms to Israel. These people seem to think it’ll be just as bad anyway, so why bother.

                  They won’t understand how bad it’s going to be.

                  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                    22 months ago

                    That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to people from the start… Biden needs Jewish support. If he comes out against Israel, he loses that, and the kids supporting Palestine will go “Yeah, but you didn’t do it soon enough.” Lose/Lose.

              • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                2 months ago
                1. Yet you seemingly only post anti-Biden half-truths and bullshit.
                2. We know. You’ve made your decision to throw away a vote VERY clear. And you do have that right.
                3. Trust me when we say…. We know you’re not a democrat.
                  • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                    02 months ago

                    You just love your assumptions, don’t you? It must be nice to live in a world where you get to make up how things work and who people are- and then react to it all in your own little fantasy.

                    I know little about you aside from the nonsense you post here, but if I had to guess, and I will allow for a margin of error… you’re probably not out of your teens yet. And that is why I think you deserve a bit of leeway regarding how I respond to you.

                    I’ve tried explaining things to you in a way that is as respectful as I’m able to be- given the situation. But your responses are about as juvenile and ignorant as would be expected from someone who hasn’t lived long enough to understand simple things like nuance, and common sense.