• BuelldozerA
    1012 days ago

    What you, @crawancon@lemm.ee and @mipadaitu@lemmy.world are missing is a TV isn’t necessarily a single user item.

    Deck hooked to the TV to play a game? Great…now what happens when you leave and someone else wants to play?

    The problem gets even more obvious if you use the Deck as an HTPC to stream content. How does anyone watch a show once the deck has gone walkabout?

    • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
      111 days ago

      The inverse is also true though, someone else is watching, I dunno, “The Crown”, pick up the Steam Deck and walk away. ;)

      • BuelldozerA
        11 days ago

        I know you are making a funny comment but my Wife would be exceptionally displeased if I did that while she was watching “Outlander”. People who live alone don’t have this concern but for the rest of us a TV and it’s attached streaming box are not single user devices. :)