• @WraithGear@lemmy.world
    65 months ago

    You will never, short of a violent revolution, EVER get Congress to pass ranked choice voting. That would dilute both parties power. Preventing you from having a meaningful choice is the only true bipartisan effort. And democrats have already said they would veto any primary vote on candidate when they wish. And have stood in the way of states enacting ranked choice voting on a state level.

    Also you might convince accelerationists to not follow through with the threat of not voting or voting trump. But unfortunately that is probably the smallest fraction of those disillusioned. Most normally never vote, and a bunch feel the system is broken and feel betrayed by Biden. It takes effort to get these voters, and Biden has unfortunately done less then nothing. Well other then holding excusing college debt over peoples heads to enact piece meal whenever his number take a dip.

    Truly Biden has to do something to galvanize his base, because it’s looking grim

    • Franklin
      5 months ago

      You might be right, Biden could very well lose. It’s an important issue he has not taken enough action on.

      Reactionairies and single issue voters are a part of every political system, problem is that the opposition is status quo.

      My only issue is that a large part of our base here on Lemmy who should know better than to promote apathy and accelerationism

      To be clear I don’t necessarily blame them it’s hard to be pragmatic in times like these but things can always get worse and if we’re not careful they will.

      I’m even up for a violent revolution. What I’m not up for is an apathetic slide.

      • @WraithGear@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        Its a very hard pill to swallow when on one hand Biden is supporting genocide by giving weapons to Israel, on the other hand we are dragging our feet on giving weapons to Ukraine and Biden seems to not be bothered. And in the most pragmatic terms, Ukraine is fighting the world’s most successful proxy war against our direct enemy. That started to lose ground once we started withholding our support. And on the third hand Biden is supporting big oil when he promised to not do that.

        On top of all that, i know that if Biden remains as president the next election cycle will have another trump, and it will again be “we can’t campaign on your interests! Its an election year with the literal incarnation of evil”! And we will continue to shift the Overton window rightward.

        These posts resonate with me because i wake everyday and question if i should still vote for Biden. And these posts do not make it easy to say yes.

        • Franklin
          75 months ago

          He’s been pro-giving weapons to Ukraine Congress had dragged their feet but that’s not the point.

          You should vote whoever best represents your interests. If no candidate does then find the next best option.

          If you want to start a violent revolution in support of Ukraine, Palatine, more aggressive environmental targets etc. I’ll be the first in line but I will never condone reactionary voting/apathy. All it does is make the system worse.

          • @WraithGear@lemmy.world
            25 months ago

            I appreciate that. But bread and circuses still hold more sway than the need for change. And just to be clear. A vote for Biden is still apathy, just a slower decline than the Republican flavor. I see no way to vote ourselves out of this tantrum spiral we are in.

            When Fox News does another gloating over Biden’s further slipping numbers, let’s skip the part where we blame the disenfranchised voters, yea?

            • Franklin
              5 months ago

              No, I will blame them, at least partially I’m not saying it isn’t understandable, things are hard all around and the complexities of voting don’t make it any easier but it is every individuals duty to uphold democracy to the best of their ability.

              Absence of a vote is still a vote.

              • @WraithGear@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                As long as most of the blame is on Biden then sure blame away. But do we really need a post about it everyday? It seems to me this isn’t about changing minds. But more getting our Scapegoats ready if Biden fails.